Saturday, October 6, 2007

First Exam Completed!

I know it's Saturday, not Monday. I am writing a quick note a couple of days early, because I'm not sure I'll have a chance to up-date my blog on Monday. Thank you so much to all of you who prayed for my first exam today. It was such a blessing to feel God's peace and presence with me as I worked. It involved a lot of writing, but overall I feel pretty good about it.

I'm also writing to let you know that I will be flying to Chicago tomorrow so that I can represent SAM at recruiting fairs which are being held at Moody and Wheaton. I am fortunate to have several friends and family in the Chicago area so I have places to stay and people to help me get around. I have been playing phone tag with some of them, however, so I feel like the trip isn't as well planned as it could have been. I know it will all work out before I fly back on Wednesday morning, but I could use your prayers for safety and guidance. I'll up-date again when I can! Thanks so much for your faithfulness!

1 comment:

Doug and Grace said...

I just heard that you were in Chicago and all set up at Moody Bible Institute. The Lord was gracious in providing you with friends and family to maneuver the city and providing places to stay. We are praying for you at Wheaton tomorrow. Dad and Mom