Friday, October 24, 2008

On Our Way Home

Katie and I are leaving Peru on Saturday evening at 9:55 PM and arriving in Santa Cruz on Sunday morning around 1:30 AM. Jeff and Beth HAuse, SAM missionaries, will be picking us up from the airport. We are both looking forward to being back in our area of service and sharing what we have learned with folks in Santa Cruz.

Our experience in Peru has been terrific! It has been a privilege for us to see the various SAM ministries in Pucallpa and Puerto Supe...everything from SAM Academy (the MK school), to SAMAir Peru's work in the jungle, and the several Bible training institutes designed for different types of people (Indigenous tribes, Pucallpans, or Mestizos...mixed). We enjoyed hearing the encouraging stories of how God is working in those ministries as well as the specific needs that our fellow missionaries have and how we can be praying more specifically for them. Of course, we also built some wonderful friendships!

I have mentioned working with two students at SAM academy with special needs. It was a joy for me to be able to work with the teacher and staff to enable those students to attend the school. Please continue to pray for the teacher, high school helpers, parents, and students themselves as they progress through the year. In my next blog up-date I will attempt to compile various prayer requests so that you too can be praying more specifically for the work God is doing through SAM in Peru.

In some ways our visit in Peru was almost like a vacation. We were treated like queens at the home of Marilyn and Dave Simmons in Pucallpa, as well as watched as the red carpet was rolled out before us everywhere we went. There is no question about it, we were definitely well cared for! We were also able to travel and see the country while visiting with various missionaries. This past week we traveled to Machu Picchu, the Incan ruins that are a must see if you come to Peru. At first the weather was cloudy and we thought we weren't going to be able to see very much, but while we were there it cleared and we had a magnificent view. Near Machu Picchu, we also stayed a couple of nights in Cusco where there are several other things to see as well! Thanks to Jed and Jaime Benoit for opening their guesthouse to us, so that we didn't have to pay the expense of a hotel (which would have been a LOT given what a major tourist attraction that area is). Now we are back in Lima...enjoying a couple of days here before flying out tomorrow night.

This past week I learned that Dalmiro Ortiz from Bolivia is scheduled to have his visa application reviewed on Monday. I have requested prayer for him in the past because we are praying that he would be able to intern at Abingdon Bible Church. Obtaining a visa into the United States is difficult anytime, but with the current political climate, it is even moreso. We are thankful we serve a God who is in control and into whose hands we can place Dalmiro and his needs.

We have had a wonderful time here...but I think we are both ready to be back home, settling into our old routine! Thank you once again for your prayers!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October 6, 2008

Greetings from Pucallpa, Peru!

I apologize for my delay in up-dating my blog. I've entered the world of dial-up Internet service which makes spending much time on-line quite difficult. I do however, want to give you a quick up-date of how God is using me here in Peru. The main reason Katie and I were brought to this particular field is because there is an MK school here that SAM has started and the mission thought Katie and I could plug in easily for the time we're here. It is much smaller than SCCLC. I think there are about 10 students in the entire student body!

Upon my arrival, I quickly learned that in the elementary program, in which there are 3 students, there are two students with special needs. One of those was removed from the school setting about a year ago due to behavior, yet the parents and school administrator were interested in working him back into the school setting. Given that no one has training in teaching Special Education, they were all very excited to have my "expertise"!

The elementary teacher was in the states for a wedding so I filled in doing some substitute teaching last week. Now that she is back my role is changing just a bit. My main goal is to provide some instruction for the teacher in teaching students with disabilities, as well as to slowly work the one child back into the school environment (providing what assistance the teacher will need within the classroom and in pulling the child out). Of course, since I don't know exactly how long I will be here, the most immediate need is to provide some suggestions for the teacher and develop a schedule for the incoming student (a schedule which does not involve me teaching him so that I can be removed from the setting when needed). Please pray for wisdom and strength for all involved. The teacher is a little nervous about how this will change the make-up of her class and whether or not it will work. I'm a little nervous about determining how to get involved without students or teachers being dependent on my services.

Katie and I are enjoying being a service to the missionary community. It seems to be a closer community here than in Santa Cruz. Katie describes it as a small town atmosphere and I think she's right. The missionaries live and work closer together here than in Santa Cruz and therefore seem to enjoy each others company more frequently in social settings. Katie and I are enjoying spending time with the singles. They plan activities together at least a couple of times a week...that's fun! We also are filling in occasionally as "baby-sitters" when necessary, which has been a great support to a couple of the missionary families with small children. All in all, we're enjoying our time here immensely!

Our hearts and minds are frequently back in Santa Cruz thinking and wondering about what is happening there, but we're extremely thankful for the huge blessing that this trip has meant and continues to mean to us! The latest word I have gotten from SAM is that we will be here at least until October 20, after that we'll have to wait and see!

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! They're greatly appreciated! Blessings to you all!