Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1, 2008

Well....I'm sitting here, in my fuzzy slippers, flannel pajama bottoms, two long-sleeve shirts, still feeling cold, and thinking of warmer days in Santa Cruz! For almost a week now we've had temperatures down around 50 and rain! In this city, it makes for a bad combination! The streets are nasty, the buses and taxis are full, and everyone just feels COLD...damp and cold is the worst! I know, you may be thinking, "it's only 50...and it is winter for you there"...but when there's no heat in the house (or in any building for that matter) and no insulation so that the cement walls just hold in the cold and feels REALLY COLD! I'm still waiting for my body to thaw out a bit! Fortunately, I woke up this morning and looked outside at blue skies with the sun shining brightly, and knew it was going to be a good day!!! It's amazing what a little sunshine will do! The temperature is already a little more than 10 degrees warmer than it has been for several days...and it's not even 11:00!!!

I have been told that another "south wind" (which is what brings us the cold) will be blowing in again in a few more days...but hopefully it will give us a chance to thaw out and warm up my house a bit first!

I don't have a lot to report from last week...due to the weather and the fact that my truck hasn't been working...I spent the better part of the week either finishing up things in my classroom at school or working on stuff at the house. I have plenty to do at the house right now, since these are the things that tend to get put on the back burner until I make myself sit down and do them!!! One of the difficulties about being in "vacation mode" is that it makes it really hard to continue "working". Since, school is only part of my ministry here...I still have plenty of other responsibilities, not to mention, I should start working on packing up my things here in the house so that I'll be ready to move out when Virginia returns to Bolivia. Please pray that God will give me the strength and discipline that I need to get things accomplished!

Today, I'm having lunch with my friend Sandra and running a few errands, then I'll be back to take care of more paperwork this afternoon and to plan for my CIET English Class tonight! Praise the Lord that it's a sunny day, as it will make this running around a LOT easier!!! Hugs to all and thank you for your continued prayers! I'll be sending a paper version of a prayer letter out soon, so you can be watching the mail for that!

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