Monday, April 28, 2008

Three Weeks Left!

Well...if any of you have been watching the news may have noticed that a tornado breezed through Southeastern VA this afternoon! Praise the Lord we are all doing fine and Franklin was not touched. However, in Suffolk, the city where our church is have been destroyed, many people have been injured (although they don't have the official counts yet). So far there have not been any deaths. The tornado passed very close to the church, but we haven't heard yet whether or not there was any structural damage. A friend of mine from Sunday School lives in that same area and we are thankful to know that he is okay as well. One of his cars is totalled and there is a little damage on his house, but nothing compared to other homes in his neighborhood. Of course we have many other friends in Suffolk from church and Dad's school, I know they would appreciate your prayers.

Mom, Emily, Wesley, and I returned last night from a trip to Pennsylvania. We were able to visit with a childhood friend of Emily's, Julie Wade Bakker, and her family. She has a baby girl only a few months younger than Wesley so it was fun to watch them interact with one another. We also spent a few days in Newtown Square with several cousins on my mom's side of the family (it would be her brother's children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren). Emily and I have not seen them for many years! We had a wonderful time visiting together! We returned home in awe and yet again encouraged by the amazing family God has blessed us with! Not very many people can talk about the incredible desire even their extended family has to see the spreading of the gospel! I feel so truly blessed!

As for the current status of my funding...
God has provided all but $250 of my monthly support. I am extremely encouraged by how close I am to being ready to return. However, when I begin to think of how my flight takes off in 3 weeks and I need $250 more per month...then I get a little nervous. I know God is in control and He will provide it all in His timing...or else He'll have a reason for me to stay. In reality, all that is needed are...5 people giving $50...10 people giving $25...about 13 people giving $20...I think you get the idea. If you are currently providing financial support, thank you so much for being a part of this team. However, if you are not , yet now feel led to contribute to the work God is doing in Bolivia in this way, please email me at or send a letter stating your monthly intent to the home office (1021 Maxwell Mill Rd, Suite B, Fort Mill, SC 29708-7852)

Over the next week I will be taking my final trip to North Carolina to say good-bye to friends there. I am also still trying to finish up my classwork. There is of course many other things to do as well...getting my visa taken care of, stocking up on those things I want to take, packing, etc. It will be a crazy 3 weeks!!!! There are also...the "last" things...that are now beginning. My mom asked not long ago if counting my final activities ever gets old or makes things more difficult. My response to her was that in some ways it does, but most of the time it just helps me prepare for leaving. Join me in the transition of these last 3 weeks!

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