This up-date contains mostly I want to make sure that I get it posted today! I wanted to catch you up to speed on a few things that have been happening over the past couple of weeks! Last Thursday, we added a fourth roommate to our household...Emilee Dickman (sitting in the middle of the picture below). She has come to work at SCCLC until the end of the school year and then stick around and help out with teams until mid-July. She is a wonderful addition to our team and we are excited to have her here! She is a friend of Ally and Danielle's from New York state so they are particularly excited to see her and teach her the things that they have been learning...which is a good thing, since I'll be leaving them in charge of the house when I head to the states! Please pray for all three of them during this Holiday season as it is their first one away from home...and that isn't easy! I'm thankful that they'll be having a few supporters/friends visiting them!

This past Sunday, my church celebrated its 23rd anniversary!!! It was a beautiful celebration and a great reminder of all that God has done/accomplished and all He continues to do in/through that church! We praise Him for His faithfulness to our small congregation!!!
There were also a couple of activities that happened a little over a week ago...but since I never got around to up-dating my blog last week, I decided I would mention them in this post! One of these was that my friend's son, Marcos, graduated from high school! This is a huge milestone here in Bolivia and especially since God has placed the desire on his heart for him to continue studying through the university! Congratulations Marcos!!! We are all so proud of the young man that God is growing him to be! Please continue to lift him up in your prayers!
Also, that same weekend, I worked alongside my friends on SAM's Children's Ministry Team as we planned a Knight's Conference. This was a conference for boys, ages 10-13...teaching them to be men of honor. The boys seemed to have a great time learning about the armor of God and how it is applicable to their lives. Their fathers came and had lunch with them, then there was a session for fathers in the afternoon while we had one last session with the boys. After that there was "swordfighting" and other games on the lawn! I believe God will continue to use this conference in the lives of these boys as He grows them into leaders who desire to serve Him!
Thank you once again for your continued prayers for the ministry to which God has called me here in Bolivia. Thank you too for your prayers as I travel to the states on well as for the three weeks that I will be spending with my family! I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas! Through this busy time of the year, may you be constantly reminded of the TRUE reason for the season!