Also, Chelsea and I had the joy of being adopted parents last week. Dan and Jenny Strebig (fellow SAM missionaries) were in La Paz working with a team and so that their girls wouldn't miss any school they asked others to take care of them. However, they weren't sure where to leave their middle daughter so Chelsea and I volunteered! We had a great time with Katherine and enjoyed having her stay with us...she is super sweet!!!
I'm sure many of you read in the prayer letter that I sent out about the Princess Conference coming up on April 24. There are still a lot of things to do in getting ready for that and I find that my mind often is running through that list of things...even when I'm trying to rest. Please pray that God would begin preparing the hearts of the girls who will attend! Also pray that God will help us get the word out to the churches in the area! I have come to realize that the month of May will be on the heels of the Princess Conference and I also have a couple of things to prepare for that time. I will be going out to a small town (about a night's bus ride out of the city) to teach a Sunday School teacher's workshop for a weekend. Then, for a week at SAM's night Bible institute, CIET, I will be working with my coworkers on the Children's Ministry Team to teach a week long intensive course (meaning each evening for 2 and a half hours) for Sunday School teachers and workers. All of this as we're in our last month of school! What a crazy time it will be!!! I covet your prayers for these things!
One final prayer request that I have is in regards to my living situation. The house where I'm currently living is owned by World Gospel Mission. When I signed the contract for the house, it was said that I could only sign a one year contract, with the understanding that if they didn't need it for any of their missionaries, I could choose to sign a contract for an additional year. However, I was told this week that it's looking more like the mission will need the house for some of their missionaries, they are to confirm this with me at the end of this month. So, it looks as if I will be on the hunt for a house again. On top of that, as you may remember, Chelsea's term is finishing up and she will be returning to the states in June. Therefore, I will also need roommates...or at least it would help! Please pray for God's wisdom and provision in this situation!
Well...I imagine this is enough to keep you prayer warriors busy for now!!! Thank you so much for lifting these things up before the throne on my behalf!
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