Happy Birthday to me...happy birthday to me...happy birthday dear Laura...happy birthday to me! All in all, I had a wonderful birthday this past weekend! Thank you to all of you who sent gifts, cards, emails, etc. in order to help in making it extra special! I started my birthday weekend off by going to the movies with Chelsea on Friday night...something we haven't done in a very long time...I even splurged and let the guys who were watching my car out in the parking lot, wash it for the big price of about $3 (it only cost that much because it was so dirty)! Then, on Saturday, after skyping with my parents and doing a few things around the house, Chelsea and I went to go get manicures at our favorite salon. In the afternoon, we had a birthday party for me at the house. Chelsea had invited all of the SAM missionary ladies (plus a couple of my closest friends from school) and a few of the girls from church. I was impressed that almost everyone came...about the only ones who couldn't make it were out of town! We had a great turn out and Chelsea had made or bought a lot of my favorite snacks. Then, Amy, who is another SAM missionary, provided the "cake" a chocolate mousse dessert...it was divine!!! We had a lot of fun just visiting and hanging out together for a couple of hours.
After that I went to youth group and then returned home in order to skype with Janet and Rick (my older sister and her husband). Then, about midnight, just after I had crawled into bed...I heard Chelsea open the gate to go outside and thought that was pretty strange...until a few minutes later when I began to hear singing at my window. It was a serenade, which is a typical Bolivian custom, brought by the guys on my worship team and a few other friends! How fun was that! After singing a few songs and getting me out of bed...I invited them in for tea and cookies and they left about 1:00 AM. Needless to say, we basically fell into bed after that!
Sunday was another day full of celebrating! For lunch, the HAuses had decorated their house with a musical theme for my birthday which basically shared how we are each different, important instruments in the orchestra of God and how together we make a symphony of music for His glory (Jeff HAuse stated it much more eloquently...but you'll have to do with my rephrasing)! They had asked my mom for some of my favorite songs to post on the walls, had set up their puppets holding various forms of instruments, etc. Jeff had also prepared a game for us to play using a paper keyboard that he made. Each person pulled off one of the black keys which contained a question on the back...we then took turns answering the questions on the backs of the keys! It was a lot of fun! Of course, there were also presents and cake as well!
So...as you can see, it was a VERY special weekend...I feel loved, that's for sure!!! If you'd like more pictures of my birthday celebrations, check out the link below! Thank you once again for your prayers for me and the ministry here! Just as a reminder, we have the princess conference this Saturday...please join us in praying for that...both for those who are leading it or working as well as the girls who will be coming!
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