Therefore...let me briefly recap on the last couple of weeks to catch you up to speed. First of all, a week ago Saturday, one of my roommates (Danielle, the one in the middle of the picture posted here) celebrated her first birthday in Bolivia. In order to make it a special one, we planned a surprise birthday party for her at the bowling well as pizza and cake at our house afterwards and then a serenade that night by the youth group from her church here. All in all, I think she had a wonderful time! I know the rest of us did!

On that same day, in the afternoon, my church had a baptism for 7 people...among them were 5 young people from Talita Cumi (a local children's home from which a large group of kids faithfully attend our church), and also a girl with her mother! It was an exciting time to see these people making a public profession of faith! Please pray that God will direct their steps and that they will continue to rely on Him as the Lord of their lives!

This past week we celebrated Thanksgiving together as a mission family! It was a very special time of eating lots and sharing with one another! One of the things that past through my mind more than once over the Thanksgiving week was how grateful I am to each one of you for your love and support (both through prayer and financial giving). It is such a comfort to know that you're continually praying for me and the work God is doing in Santa Cruz! THANK YOU!!! The rest of the long weekend, which we had off from school was full of various activities! It's amazing how busy I felt doing things...yet don't feel like I got very much accomplished! I'm not sure how that happened! Regardless, it was a restful time as well...I watched plenty of movies and worked on my cross-stitch when I could(maybe that's why I didn't seem to get much done!) As I'm putting up my Christmas decorations now...I'm reminded that the holidays are only a few weeks away! I've been given the blessing of going home for Christmas and New Years to spend the time off from school in the States with my family!!! I'm SO very excited! Although I will miss my friends here...I'm looking forward to seeing my family! I will head north in about 3 weeks! I can't wait!!!
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