Saturday, December 5, 2009
December 5, 2009
The most important thing I want to mention briefly, is that the country of Bolivia will be having their presidential elections tomorrow. The elections here are typically held on a Sunday and in order to keep the peace, there are several laws in place prohibiting meetings (including church services) and campaigning throughout the weekend...and on Sunday, we aren't allowed to be out driving around. People vote close to their home, so they walk there to take care of that...but other than that most people will be staying close to home. I'm looking forward to having some time to work on my seminary class...I plan to spend the better part of the day writing the rough draft of my exegesis paper. It will also be a good opportunity to spend some time in prayer for the country and the elections that are happening...please join us in praying for this need as you think of Bolivia or me throughout the weekend!
My trip to the states is quickly approaching and I frequently find myself dreaming about the things of which I am MOST excited...spending time with my nephew Wesley, seeing my sister's pregnant belly (since I missed it the first time), spending time with my family in general (especially my parents while I'm at the beach with just the two of them), eating at the Cheesecake Factory with friends from church, eating out at all my favorite places in general, shopping with my mom, seeing my dog, etc. I'm sure the list could go on...but these are a few things that are frequently on my mind! My flight is set for December 15 in the morning. I'll be flying to Miami first, then after a few hours layover there, I'll fly on to Raleigh-Durham, NC...getting in at about 11:00 at night. Emily and/or Christopher will be picking me up from the airport. I will then spend a few days with them until my dad comes down to pick me up (most likely on Friday). However...before I can go on vacation...there are a lot of preparation for things that I will miss here for which I need to find replacements. Please pray that I'll be diligent in using my time wisely in order to leave things well when I head home.
I don't think that I get the chance to express this often enough...and I'm not very good about getting thank you notes written (maybe that should be one of my New Year's resolutions)...however, I do want to say that I am so very thankful for all of your financial and prayer support. I've been hearing a lot recently about how the economic situation is taking it's toll on the mission as a whole as well as several friends of mine who are currently raising support. Yet, I feel so blessed to be able to say that thanks to all of you, my support is right where it should be. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your faithfulness in this area. I appreciate it more than you could ever imagine and praise the Lord for each one of you!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
November 21, 2009
First of all...
The trip to San Ignacio de Velasco to do the workshop fell through...they weren't able to organize it in time. I had a feeling that was going to happen, as I had quite a bit of trouble getting in touch with the contact person there. I'm still hoping to go and do that at some time, but it probably won't be until January or February. However, I was still in great need of a vacation, so Chelsea and I decided to escape to Samaipata a town about 3 or 4 hours from here in the mountains. It's beautiful there and we even decided to splurge a bit and stay in one of the nicer accomodations!!! I'm really excited!!! We're getting ready to head out of I won't make this a very long update. We plan to return on Wednesday so that we'll be here for Thanksgiving dinner with SAM.
Second of all...
Yesterday, Saturday, I decided to take 3 of the newest SAM women to get their nails done and do a bit of shopping. We left about 9:30, picked up the other two and then went and got our nails done. To make a long story short...on our way to the market where we were going to do some shopping...I was involved in an accident. Let me start by clarifying that it wasn't a bad accident and no one was hurt. An accident in the states usually involves informing the police and an exchange of insurance information and that's about it. That is not the case here. It involves a lot of arguing back and forth...trying to keep the police department out of it...using insurance agents to be the go between (if you're fortunate enough to have insurance, which I am, thanks to my SAM family and supporters)! Anyway, I won't bore you with all the details...however, the guy basically saw a car full of North Americans and decided he'd hold out for trying to get full compensation (something that almost never happens here). It was more my fault than I expect to pay more, but both sides are somewhat at fault. Anyway, the insurance guy tried to settle with him...he refused, holding onto full compensation...which meant there wasn't anything else to do but get the police involved. I then spent the next couple of hours in the police station answering questions and filling out forms. In the end, they impounded both of our cars until Tuesday when they could come to a resolution on the situation.
I could see God's hand in the whole situation in several ways...
While I was standing on the street with the guy...scared to death, with 3 women that are still learning their way around...a fellow SAM missionary, Bev Smith, rode by. She stopped immediately and stuck with me to the end (and offered to go back and finish the process/pick up my car on Tuesday with the insurance guy)!!! I was SO grateful to have her there!!! She did all of the discussing and decision making! The insurance guy was also a HUGE help...kind, compassionate, understanding, comforting! Finally, the fact that I don't have my car for a few days isn't deterring our vacation. The HAuses vehicle was just sitting at the base as they're still in the states, so the mission gave me permission to use that...and we're on our way!!! I'm so excited!! Please pray for continued safety!
SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR!!!!! I'll send an update with pictures when I'm back! Hugs to all and a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
November 16, 2009
However, as anxious as I am to get there...I still have several things to accomplish here before I'm ready to go. The most immediate event coming a workshop that I'm hoping to be teaching in San Ignacio de Velasco (SIV). You may remember several years ago, that I spent two months in SIV working with a summer team that was here. It is a town that holds a special place in my heart. I was asked to go and teach a workshop for Sunday School teachers there during Thanksgiving vacation. I have assisted in a few of these workshops that other members of SAM's children's ministry team have done...but this will be the first time that I have led one on my own. I'm a bit nervous about it...trying to get all of my ducks in a row. I'm getting ready to go visit with a friend of mine who has led many of these workshops so that she can help me prepare. I covet your prayers for this week as I prepare as well as next weekend when I hope to be leading the workshop (that we get all of the final arrangements made as far as time/place, and that people will come and learn through this event).
We're also getting to the end of the school year here in Bolivia. So, that means that there are kindergarten graduations as well as high school graduations just around the corner. I know quite well a couple of students in both of these grade-levels. Please pray especially for two people in my church, Sebastian (kinder grad) and Diego (high school grad), as they finish this chapter in their lives and begin to start the next one.
Sorry to cut this short this week...but I have a lot I hope to accomplish today and need to get going! I'll be sure to send an up-date about the conference...with some pictures as well! Thank you in advance for lifting these things up to our Heavenly Father!
Monday, October 26, 2009
October 25, 2009
Thank you to those of you who were able to read my blog post from a couple of weeks ago...please continue to pray for those of us serving here. Unfortunately it is easy to get a bit bogged down in the mundane tasks of everyday and to become frustrated with a feeling that others aren't doing their part. Pray that God will strengthen us, rejuvenate us, and help us to keep our eyes focused on Him/the work He has called us to.
This past Saturday night at church, we had our evangelistic service for the month of October. This time, the single women were in charge of organizing I have been leading that group...I felt a lot of pressure to get things organized. I was extremely encouraged to see many different ways in which God provided for the various was was so very clear to me that the program was part of God's plan. We put on a concert, dedicated to youth. Of course it was not a style of music that everyone would enjoy...but we had some people come who had never come before. There were also people there who have not been coming very regularly recently...but were suddenly there to help and pitch in wherever needed. I was amazed by that and very appreciative to all who helped out! One of the guys in the youth presented the gospel in between the two bands that we had playing...and although I was outside seeing the first band off (as they needed to get to a service at their church)...I was told he did an excellent job and that it went very well. Please continue to pray for these times of evangelistic outreach as well as the obvious need to continue discipling new believers/members.
Some of you may know that I am currently taking another seminary class via the internet/cd-rom. I got a bit behind where I had hoped to be at this point, due to moving houses, school starting, new roommates arriving, etc. However, now that things are finally settling down...I'm working to play catchup! One of the things that the professor talked about in a current lesson, really spoke to me...I'll try to recap as best I can, in hopes that it will speak to you as well. The class is a study on Genesis, so far we've focused primarily on creation and are now starting to study the fall a bit more. The professor has been talking rather extensively about the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and well as the serpent, Eve, and Adam's involvement in all of this. One of the points that she has made concerns the importance that SIGHT or SEEING had with regards to the fall. Chapter 3 verse 6 says, "So when the woman SAW that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the EYES..." The point the professor was making was that Eve made a false judgment based on what she SAW, without fully trusting the command that God had given Adam. This is what faith is all about...trusting God and His Word...even when what we SEE just doesn't make any sense at all. The professor went on to mention many more examples in the Bible, but I won't take time to do that now. However, I think that this can be a prayer for ALL of us...that we would fully trust God, based on what He says to us...not through relying on what we SEE around us!

An added tidbit of info, on a personal family note...I received this picture of my nephew about a week ago, making the announcement that his mother (my sister) is carrying a younger brother or sister for him...set to arrive the end of May! Looks like I get to be an aunt again!!! Congratulations to Emily and Christopher!
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support! It is so comforting for me to know that there are prayer warriors lifting me up as well as interceding for others whom I know and love. Thank you so much!
"But since we were torn away from you, brothers, for a short time, in person not in heart, we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face." I Thessalonians 2:17
Monday, October 12, 2009
October 12, 2009
We're wrapping up the first quarter at down 3 to go! Please be praying for our Jr and Sr High students as they have Spiritual Enrichment Week going on for the next few days...ending with the high school retreat this weekend...and then a Servant Day in the community next week. It will be a very busy time for them...yet an excellent opportunity for them to be listening to God's voice. Pray that they'll be open to whatever message He has for them! Also, I'm finding myself frustrated with several of my students who I feel are not putting forth the effort that they should. I'm trying to give them as much small group and individual time that they need...but when I feel as I do now (that they're not putting forth any effort on their own) it basically takes the wind out of my sails! Please pray that I will not become discouraged with them and that they will have a stronger internal drive to do well.
Things in our new house continue to go well! We're starting to work on getting into a routine. We have found a woman who can come and help us clean house a couple of afternoons a week, so I'm thankful for that! It will free us up for more ministry opportunities! I have a few different visits with people over the course of the next I'm looking forward to using our new house for that is the main reason why I wanted to find an actual house to live opposed to just renting a room behind someone else's house. Praise God for this great house...and the many possibilities that we have to use it for ministry!
Most of you know that for several months, we have been dividing the youth group...guys and girls...with the guys meeting at the pastor's house and the girls meeting with me here at my house. It has been a WONDERFUL time of growth for our youth group as we've seen several people accept Christ as their personal Savior. There have also been others who are Christians but who weren't interested in coming before...and have now become quite involved! However, we also see that our youth group is more divided than it has been in the past. In an effort to unite the group again...we have decided to begin meeting together at the church on Saturday nights. We'll start this change in the schedule by have our first meeting here at my house (with soccer/basketball in the afternoon, snacks, and then our service here at the house at night). After this we will begin meeting three weeks together at church and then one week separated (guys and girls). I also intend to continue planning activities for just the girls, in an effort to keep the bond that I have with them and to give them a chance to share with one another since they obviously have been enjoying that! Please pray as we make this switch, that God will continue to bless our youth program, using it for His glory. Pray also that He will raise up leaders among those who have become more that we as current leaders can be investing in their lives and discipling them...they are the future leaders!
On the side:
I have noticed currently, in my own life as well as in the lives of several others who are close to me...that it's easy right now to feel a bit burned out! I don't know if it's being over busy...stress...old haunts coming back...feelings of inadequacy...spiritual warfare...the weather...the political situation and the possibilities of future problems there...or what? However, it does make ministry difficult...that restless feeling. We really covet your prayers right now...only God can provide that renewed feeling that many of us desperately need at the moment!
Thank you for praying for the ministry in which God has called me to in well as for my brothers and sisters here! May He bless you for your faithfulness to Him.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
October 6, 2009
Chelsea and I have officially moved into our new house. We added another roommate, Graciela, yesterday. She is a one of the Bolivian women in charge of the orphanage where my friend Esther works, Talita may remember me mentioning it before. She was living in the states for almost a year and is now back in Bolivia again. I am sure she will be a wonderful addition to our new home. To see pictures of the house (as well as pictures of various other activities in the last month) click on the link below.
On Sunday, my church went on a day trip about 2 hours outside of the city. We were supposed to take this trip a couple of weeks ago, but had to postpone it due to bad weather. So, instead, we decided to go this past Sunday...which as it was the first Sunday of the month, would typically be our "Family Sunday". We loaded up in cars and went to a good picnic spot along the river. Each person took along their own food...we shared lunch together as well as a short devotional and fellowship time! It was lots of fun! I was particularly touched at how several of the families looked after me! I appreciated it! One of the families told me they wanted to take lunch for I didn't pack anything. Then, once we were there and she gave me my plate of food...several other families started piling things on as well! It was funny...but I really did appreciate it!
I know this will be a short post, but I'm going to need to leave soon to go meet with one of the girls from the youth I wanted to get a quick update out for some pictures for you to see! Enjoy! Thank you, as always, for your generous support and thoughtful prayers!
Monday, September 28, 2009
I don't have much to report from this week...Chelsea and I officially moved into our new house last Wednesday. I'm still unpacking some of my junk and working on getting settled in. Not to mention she and I are hoping to go out and do a bit of exploring on the buses that pass by the house so that we'll know where they go and so that Chelsea (especially) will be able to have a bit more freedom. We are closer to school than we were before so it was nice to be able to get here so quickly this morning. I had hoped to attach some pictures of the house this morning to my blog...but I haven't gotten a chance to take any. I'll do my best to get some on here very soon.
Yesterday at church we had one of our evangelistic services, which we often do on the last Sunday of the month. It was a typical tea, organized by the married women in the church. There were several different kinds of typical snacks, tea, well as a time of fellowship and presentation of the gospel. The congregation was strongly encouraged to bring friends, neighbors, and coworkers who didn't know the Lord...I was very excited to see that we had about 25 visitors! Please pray that God will draw these people unto Himself and that He'll continue to allow us to be lights in a dark world.
Next weekend, I have agreed to start teaching a Master's level class in the mission's department at one of the local universities. The class, which only lasts a month, involves having the students read a book (in English) and then using class time for discussion (mostly done in Spanish). The purpose of the class is to teach the students skills for Reading in English (such as using context clues), and to encourage them in their ability to use English as a source for information and study in missions. As this is a new adventure for me, please pray for wisdom as I begin this class...that God would help me to prepare well for the class. Pray also for the students, that God would bless them through this time of studying together.
Well...I guess that's about it for this week. It's time to get going on all the things I need to accomplish at school today. Thank you so much for your prayers!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
We're Moving This Week!!!
As you can see from the title...Chelsea and I are moving this week...actually tomorrow...hence the delay in my up-date this week as it has been a VERY hectic week. I have been actively trying to get things packed up into boxes, make arrangements for help from the missionary community, and balance ministry at the same time! Needless to say, I'll be thankful once we're moved in and I can actually work at a slower pace, unpacking and really getting settled! I am taking tomorrow off of school in order to organize the move. Then we are off of school on Thursday and Friday for a national us a long weekend to get ourselves settled before starting back to school next week! Praise the Lord for such a positive and supportive response from our SAM missionary community! Many have volunteered time and vehicles to help us move and clean the house tomorrow, getting it all ready for us. I am so thankful for that! I have also had several from church and school who have volunteered to pitch in where they can...tomorrow and/or over the next few days, helping to unpack or purchase/loan us things that we will need in the new house! It has been such a blessing and encouragement to me!
Thursday is "Santa Cruz Day", which basically is the day to celebrate the department of Santa Cruz. It is of course a local holiday and my church will be taking a day trip to a nearby river for a picnic lunch and baptismal service! It's always LOTS of fun! Pray for safety as we travel about an hour out of the city in cars and bus. Also, pray that I will be able to rest and enjoy myself, without spending the whole time concentrating on the boxes awaiting me at home!
I had an exciting experience tonight that I wanted to share with you. A friend of mine from church, whom I will call Jose, called last week and asked if I would help him and a friend of his from the university (whom I will call Ana) with their English homework. They came over and spent a couple of hours with me that afternoon. As it turned out...Ana lives close to the SAM base where I'm currently living (for one more night). She also discovered that I enjoy drinking mate (pronounced ma-ta, short "a" sound at the beginning and long "a" sound at the end...a social herbal drink, similar to a tea, which is extremely common in Argentina and also parts of Bolivia and Paraguay). She then said she would like to come again and drink mate with me. I talked to Jose over the weekend and asked him if she is a Christian. He said that to his knowledge, she isn't, and then went on to describe a few more things about her and her family. Next weekend at church we're having an evangelistic I suggested to Jose, that I would like to invite Ana to be my guest for that event...and then maybe all of us could hang out for a bit afterwards. However, I figured it would be easier if we had visited a little bit more first. So, before moving...I invited Jose and Ana over to the house so that we could drink mate together. I then had the chance to invite Ana to the service on Sunday. She not only accepted my invitation, but also when I took her home (so that I would know where her house is in order to pick her up later)...she invited me in and we sat and talked for another hour or so more. Praise the Lord for this new relationship that He is placing in my life. Please pray not only for Ana's salvation, but also that God would help me take time to be diligent in following up with mentoring and discipling roles. I'm excited about the opportunity to serve the Lord in this way. Also continue to pray that nothing will come in the way of her attending the service with me this Sunday!'s getting late and I still have some more packing to do! Thank you so much for your prayers this week! The joy of the Lord will be my strength!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
September 14, 2009
School is well underway once again! We're about halfway through the first quarter! On Friday night we had our first open house for the year. As I don't usually get much traffic in the Resource room during open house hours, I volunteered to serve as a translator in the Kindergarten room as there are a couple of parents of students in that grade who don't speak English and the teacher doesn't know Spanish. I enjoyed that, it was a different role and I felt a bit like I was doing public relations for the school (which this introverted girl does enjoy from time to time). Please continue to pray for our students and staff. You can particularly pray for us in the resource department as we work to figure out the best methods for reaching our students. There are a couple of students whose disabilities are causing them to be quite a bit below gradelevel. One of my goals for this year is to get an Individualized Education Plan in place for them that will be a help to teachers and families alike. Please pray for wisdom and strength in this this isn't an aspect of Special Education that I have enjoyed in the past...although it does appear to be a necessary one at this time!
God has been reminding me quite a bit over the past week that He is in charge and that this, all of this, all of what I'm doing not about me, but about Him! Sometimes His reminder has been in small ways...such as when I didn't feel well prepared for a couple of different classes or Bible studies last week and God worked through me anyway, giving me the exact words to say and often the appropriate skills/materials needed. Other times God has just taken my breath away in amazement...for example...there were 10 of us at the girls' meeting on Saturday night at my house (with the girls from the youth group at church) and two regular attenders weren't even there!!! However, that's not the only amazing part of that three of us were in fact missionaries...the REALLY amazing part is the way the girls have gotten so excited about these meetings that they are even anxious to tell/invite others! Three of the girls who came on Saturday night were first timers! I think we've had about 6 visitors in the last couple of months and at least a couple who attend regularly right now aren't even Christians! I love the excitement and interest that God has placed on the hearts of these young women!!! It's super exciting! May I continue to remember that it's not about me as God continues to use me and my home in discipling and pointing these young ladies to Him!
I guess my only other news for this week is that my roommate Chelsea and I are hoping to move sometime next week. While we have been waiting for a house owned by another missionboard to be available, we have been living in an apartment at the SAM guesthouse. Although there are many perks to living in the guesthouse...I'm anxious to get settled into one house that I can call my own...rather than to have all of my things stored in about 5 different places!!! Praise the Lord for providing this house for us that we can afford...with GREAT landlords, some added furnishings, a location not far from school, friends nearby, etc. However, we covet your prayers for us as well while we prepare to make this transition.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support of this ministry to which God has called me! I feel so blessed to be used by Him in this way and so very thankful this week to be able to see a bit of the fruit from that labor.
(Side note...I almost forgot my very exciting news...I bought my plane tickets in order to go home for Christmas...I arrive at night on December 15 and leave in the morning on January 2...Praise God for the extra time I'll be able to spend at home!!!)
Monday, August 31, 2009
August 31, 2009

We thoroughly enjoyed the time we had together on the retreat (mostly relaxing by the pool) and the time spent fellowshipping with other teachers!
While I was on the teacher retreat here in Santa family was enjoying each other's company in Graham, NC as they surprised my sister with a celebration for her 30th birthday, which is actually September 1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!!! It was a fun surprise for her! This is about all I was able to get in on the action...(pictured with me are Leann Vernon, friend of the family...and Rick Nye, my brother-in-law, Janet's husband)...
Although I was sad to not be able to actually be with them for the festivities...I was extremely thankful once again for skype and other such communication helps! I was also encouraged knowing that I hope to be home for Christmas again this year...Lord willing...there are of course still several details to be worked out! So, for those of you in the Franklin, VA area...hope to see you soon! Thank you once again for your faithful prayers and interest in the work God is doing here in Santa Cruz! I appreciate your support and care more than you can imagine! Blessings to each one of you!
Monday, July 27, 2009
I Am Back in Santa Cruz!!!
Well...I need to get off the internet for now and get home...but I wanted to get a few pictures and information on here for you to see! I'll be sure to get some more pictures onto the internet and send out the link...there is so much more to share with you!!! Thanks so much for your prayers! They were definitely felt and appreciated!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
July 22, 2009
We were in touch with her last night and she had reached Guayaramerin safely by boat. There were thirty people traveling by river together. She said there were twenty people from Santa Cruz and about ten from Guayaramerin who brought the boat down to San Joaquin where they joined them. The team worked well together and her biggest complaint was that she was eaten alive by chiggers, mosquitoes and who knows what in spite of bug spray, long sleeves, pants and mosquito netting.
They were able to minister to several villages where there is no church and hold children's meetings as well as offer medical aid. She was very encouraged by the response and her opportunity to serve the Lord. I am sure she will regale you with stories when she is settled again.
Today they will be flying from Guayaramerin to Trinidad (city). From Trinidad they will be on a ten hour bus ride overnight to Santa Cruz, arriving in the morning on Thursday, July 23. Please pray for the safety of the team and for the lives they touched while on this trip.
Sincerely, Grace Boyce
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
July 8, 2009
As you may remember I wrote a quick up-date which my mom attached last week telling you a bit about the English Vacation Bible School that I was a part of as well as the conference for World Gospel Mission missionaries in order to teach their kids while the parents were in meetings. You should be able to click on the link below...if not, just copy and paste it into your browser in order to see pictures of those two events. Once the shutterfly window opens, you can click "view pictures", and then "play slideshow".
I am very thankful for the opportunity to participate in both of these activities! It was a joy to serve the Lord by teaching His children. We had a couple of small accidents at the WGM conference. One of the younger boys bumped his head during a game we were bled a LOT...but praise the Lord he didn't need stitches. We also had several who got sick with some sort of flu bug...they passed it from one to the other (nausea, vomiting, etc.)...ending with me on Friday night after I got back...but fortunately it was a quick "bug", came and went in about 24 hours! The most exciting thing for me to see was that the kids were actually both events!!! That of course is the goal and a joy to be able to witness.
Now, I'm back in the city...briefly! This week, I'm frantically trying to get all of my things moved into the apartment behind Virginia's house (as she is due to come back in a couple of weeks...Lord willing...she's still waiting for Him to provide a bit more of her support) well as fix things that broke during this year that the house/truck has been in my care...and get ready to go on my next big adventure (I leave early Monday morning)! As you can imagine, I'm certainly feeling the stress of trying to get all of these things body feels the stress as well (headaches and backaches daily, not sleeping well, etc.) Please pray that God will give me the strength I need to get all of these things wrapped will make my next adventure much more relaxing!
So...what is the NEXT ADVENTURE? Each year there is a group (of missionaries and nationals) who plan an evangelistic/medical/exploratory trip to the Bolivian department called the Beni. The Beni is basically jungle and rivers with small towns scattered throughout. This group (led by Enoel Suarez a Bolivian who is a Plymouth Brethren missionary and Toni/Placido Mercado doctors with SAM) takes trips up and down the river stopping at various towns to offer medical relief as well as to spread the gospel to adults and children alike. Each year, they try to plan a different route in order to explore unreached areas. Enoel's desire is that these trips will allow Bolivian Christians to become exposed to this unreached area and possibly sense God's calling to full-time ministry in these areas. This year there are 18 people going, adults and youth. I have been asked to go along and lead the children's ministry team, playing games, singing songs, sharing the gospel with the children in each town where we stop. We will be gone about 12 days total (including travel to the river where we get on the boat)...sleeping in hammocks on the boat...eating lots of fish and fruit (and maybe a little crocodile or other such river creatures). I expect this to be a stretching experience for me, but also a time of spiritual renewal. Others who have gone in past years say the best part of the trip is floating down the river on the boat knowing that nothing can be done about what you've left behind; so you might as well just read a bit and enjoy some quality time with your Savior! I'm looking forward to that!!! I'm also excited about getting know a new area of Bolivia to which I've never been exposed! WOW! Attached below you will see a map outlining the route that we'll be taking! I will be flying from Santa Cruz to Trinidad, then on to San Joaquin. From there I travel by road to the river. Follow the red line on the river to our final destination, Guayaramerin, before flying back. Please pray for safety, well as the spiritual renewal for each of us as team members/our unity as a team. Pray also for those to whom we'll be ministering...that they will come to a saving understanding of Christ.

One other things I ALMOST forgot to mention...since Virginia is on her way back to Bolivia...I am not only looking for a new place to live (as I think I've mentioned before)...but I also will be without a vehicle! As this is a large city and there is public isn't a necessity in life...however, in this culture, it certainly makes life easier! So, thankfully, God has provided the needed funding as well as basically placed a vehicle in my lap for me to buy! Another missionary family, who is leaving the field, was selling their Honda Crv...after getting permission from the mission and such...we finally have been able to get the business taken care of and I will be the proud new owner as of Friday when we sign the papers! I'm super excited! Since, I'll be in the Beni...they're going to keep driving it until they move back to the states on the 20th...but it will be here waiting for me when I return!!! Thank you for your generous support that has helped to make this possibility...myself and the many Bolivians for whom I act as a taxi service...thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!
Thank you once again as well for your prayers!!! I'll be sure to send an email or an up-date when I get back to the obviously, I will not have email/internet/phone service while I'm floating down the river! Blessings to you all!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
June 30, 2009
This week I have accompanied World Gospel Mission at a resort just out of the city in order to teach their children while the parents are in meetings each morning and evening. The lack of pictures at this time is due to the poor Internet connection. It is SUPER slow...basically dial-up speed...this up-date is being sent to my mom in an email so that she can load it onto my blog page!
There are 10 kids...ages 3, 4, 5, 7,8, 9, and 12. The first night they were so hyper and excited that I was afraid it was going to be a REALLY long week! Fortunately, they settled down some this morning and things went really well, thanks to some VBS material that my parents' church in Suffolk gave us. We're studying the life of Joseph and different ways that God is with us such as when we're in trouble; in the gifts He gives us and how He uses those gifts, etc. Please be praying for this week...I'm tired after last week...and find it a bit of a challenge to get up the energy that I need to plan well and to be excited while we're together, particularly with such a diverse age group, pray for strength! Also, pray for the kids...that they will be attentive and open to the lessons God has in store for them! Thank you so much for your prayers!! Stay tuned next week for pictures and more details on these events!!!! Blessings to you all!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
June 16, 2009
Thank you for praying for the short meditation that I was going to be giving to a group of ladies on Saturday it turned out, the leader called on Friday afternoon and asked to postpone it for this please continue to pray for that!
There are also a couple of upcoming events that I'd like to share with you so that you can be praying for those things as well...
1. Next week, SAM's children's ministry team will be hosting a Vacation Bible School for the English speaking community at Trinity International Church (a church near my school). I will be teaching the 3rd-4th grade class and I am also in charge of organizing the Bible classroom (getting supplies together, answering questions for the Bible teachers, passing out materials, etc.). There is still much to be done before Monday, so we would appreciate your prayers...not only for us...but also for the students who will be attending, that God will speak to their hearts and make Himself real to them.
2. In two weeks, I will be accompanying World Gospel Mission to a local resort (Rio Selva) in order to teach their children while the parents are in meetings each morning and evening. It looks like I will have about 11 children...ages 4-10. I know many of the kids as they are students at my school so I'm looking forward to this time with them. Thanks to my parents' church, Westminster Reformed Presbyterian in Suffolk, VA for donating some materials that I could use for this event. We'll be doing a study on Joseph! I am excited about this conference...but I still have a great deal of planning to do!
3. Little by little, I'm starting to move my things to the apartment at the back of Virginia's house (the house where I'm living now). Virginia has told me that she doesn't mind if I stay there until I find another place to live...or the whole school year if I want! I am very appreciative of her hospitality! It is a pretty small apartment, with no I don't plan to be there all year, but we'll see. For the time being, I'm hoping to get it set up and get moved in there before she returns in the middle of July!
Well, that pretty much explains what I'm up to these days! Thank you so much for your continued prayers! I can definitely feel them right now! This is typically a difficult time for me with so many people coming and going, as I mentioned before, but I haven't felt the struggle like I typically do! So, thank you for praying!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hello there once again! Sorry I'm a bit late in updating my blog this week, the last couple of days have been busier than I expected! The picture above was taken on Sunday afternoon. The girl in the middle is my friend Esther, from church, a college student who works in an orphanage. She lives there at the home and takes care of this group of active boys!!! On her days off, she frequently comes to study at my house, spend the night, hang out, etc. On Sunday afternoon, I invited her to bring the boys over for a couple of hours, which I have done a couple of times before. I had popcorn and soda for them and they sat (most of the time) and watched a movie, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, which my sister recently sent me for my birthday! Also in the picture on the far right, is my friend Raul from church...he just happened to be here because he needed help with something on the computer! Anyway, it was a lot of fun! I enjoy getting to know the boys better...and I love being able to support her in her work/ministry there at the home! On Saturday I'm going to go hang out over there for a bit to make cookies with them!!!!
One thing I failed to mention in my up-date last week was our Mother's Day event at church to honor the mothers in our congregation! The youth and men were in charge of the activity...fortunately, the cold didn't deter us too much!!! The theme was "Typical Santa Cruz" so all of the refreshments and decorations had to do with that motif. One of the things that was MOST exciting for me...was that quite a few visitors came. On Monday nights, some of the people in our church host a small is held in their home which is in a neighborhood across the main road from the church. They have a great attendance in this small group, most of whom do not attend a church regularly and some who are not Christians. Yet, several of them have begun to come to special events held in our church and we have seen a great deal of Spiritual growth there. I met one lady on Sunday night who said that she would like to continue to come more regularly to our church...that it was through that small group that she felt the need/desire to deepen her relationship with the Lord. Praise Him for the work that is happening there. Many if not all of the mothers from that group came to this Mother's Day celebration! It was exciting to see!!! The pictures below are of the celebration...the first picture of the table where the mother's sat, was taken early on in the evening...soon after, these chairs were all filled! I'm not sure I've seen us have such a good turn out before! God is really moving and blessing this church! What an answer to prayer, as I was asking you to pray only a few months ago since people had really seemed to be dwindling away! Thank you so much for your prayers! Here is the fruit of your labor!!! Please continue to pray, as there is still much "work" to be done!
Before I wrap up this entry...I wanted to ask you to pray as well for me on Saturday afternoon as I have been asked to share a short devotional/meditation in a women's Bible study. One of the women in my church (again, more fruit...) has begun to hold a small group in her home for friends of hers from the place where she used to work as well as other neighbors. Many of the women who have begun to come are nonChristians or nonchurch-going members. I'm excited by her desire to share the gospel and by the opportunity to share in the work that God is doing among them! Last week there were 11 ladies total!!! Not bad for the first meeting! We would appreciate your prayers on this!! Well...I guess that's it for now! May God be praised for all that He continues to do here in Santa Cruz!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
June 1, 2008
I have been told that another "south wind" (which is what brings us the cold) will be blowing in again in a few more days...but hopefully it will give us a chance to thaw out and warm up my house a bit first!
I don't have a lot to report from last week...due to the weather and the fact that my truck hasn't been working...I spent the better part of the week either finishing up things in my classroom at school or working on stuff at the house. I have plenty to do at the house right now, since these are the things that tend to get put on the back burner until I make myself sit down and do them!!! One of the difficulties about being in "vacation mode" is that it makes it really hard to continue "working". Since, school is only part of my ministry here...I still have plenty of other responsibilities, not to mention, I should start working on packing up my things here in the house so that I'll be ready to move out when Virginia returns to Bolivia. Please pray that God will give me the strength and discipline that I need to get things accomplished!
Today, I'm having lunch with my friend Sandra and running a few errands, then I'll be back to take care of more paperwork this afternoon and to plan for my CIET English Class tonight! Praise the Lord that it's a sunny day, as it will make this running around a LOT easier!!! Hugs to all and thank you for your continued prayers! I'll be sending a paper version of a prayer letter out soon, so you can be watching the mail for that!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
May 26, 2009
Last Saturday was the Ayore camp (overnight) that I mentioned in my last blog up-date. Thank you for your prayers for this event. All in all, things went really well I believe. The kids behaved better than I expected and really seemed to be learning, which was exciting to see! I didn't stay the whole time...I came home on Friday night in order to finish getting the crafts together for Saturday, then on Saturday I only stayed until about noon as I had several other responsibilities at church for the rest of the afternoon and graduation in the evening! It made for an extremely busy weekend for me! However, I'm thankful for several people who pitched in to help me with various friend Isabel stayed up until 1:30 AM with me on Friday night finishing up craft stuff...there were others from my church who helped clean up the church after the children's club on Saturday (which was my responsibility, but as the other person in my group couldn't be there...I was left to handle it on my own). I was extremely thankful for their help! There are a few pictures below of the Ayore camp for you to see. (The first one is a picture of me with two of the Ayore boys after we had finished making flowers out of crepe paper, talking about God as Creator...the second is of an Ayore girl on the left with Emily Mercado whose mother and father are SAM missionaries who run a clinic for the Ayore and minister to their physical as well as Spiritual needs...the final picture is of several of the Ayore kids with some of our helpers, my friend Isabel is standing on the right in a purple shirt.)

This week I'm finishing up a few things in my classroom, getting my grades in, etc. I'm also trying to rest a bit after my busy weekend and to get caught up on a few things around the house which have been abandoned over the last few weeks. I do have a couple of specific prayer requests, partially for me and partially for others. I know several missionaries that have to return to the states right now primarily for financial reasons, not enough support, and others who are currently in the states trying to raise more support. It is often an eye-opener for me to hear other people's stories...knowing that thanks to all of you, I'm able to continue ministering here in Bolivia and am not being asked to return to the states in search of more support. I know I don't express it often enough...but I am TRULY grateful! Please pray for these friends of mine, that God will provide the financial support that they need as many of them have left behind large gaps...not to mention we will be missing several teachers in the next school year if their support doesn't come in. Also, we are still in need of a Kindergarten, third grade, and fourth grade teacher...if you know of anyone who may be interested in serving the Lord in this way for a year or more, please let me know and I will gladly pass along the information/process! Finally, as you know, I have been renting a fellow SAM missionary's home for this year...assuming that God provides the financial support that she is currently lacking, she will be returning to Bolivia in July...which means, I will need a new place to live. I'm specifically praying for a townhouse or an apartment in an area where I can: 1. feel safe living on my own or with one other person, 2. continue to have my girlfriends from church over to spend the night or visit me in my home, and 3. have a place that I can really decorate, make it my own, feel like I'm home! These are the things that I would really like at the moment. I'm praying that God will either provide such a place or change my heart and show me more of what He has in store for me!
Before I forget...this Wednesday is Mother's Day in Bolivia...unlike the states, Mother's Day here is always on May 27th. So...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the mom's reading my blog up-date!!! Hugs to you all!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Last Week of School!!!
I continue to LOVE working with the girls from church. Over the weekend I had company as two of the girls spent the night on Friday night and then another girl spent the night on Saturday night. I'll admit after long days...and then staying up until late watching movies and hanging out with them...I'm paying for it today! However, I loved having the here! I also love that they continue to open up more and more, allowing me to share in their lives! It's been GREAT!
On Saturday, I agreed to help out at a mission's conference at another church (where several other SAM missionaries attend). They needed someone to dress up as if from India and share with the children. Due to typical Bolivian schedule...I think the program started about an hour and a half later than they said it I spent a lot of time sitting and waiting...but all in all, it was lots of fun! Hopefully, the children learned something about serving the Lord in another country as well as a bit about the country of India! Afterwards, the mission's committee took the two guest speakers out for lunch...paid in pizza, it was WONDERFUL! There are a couple of pictures posted below for you to see...

As for this week...I will be finishing up the school year and try to get my room packed up a bit so that I won't have to go in very often next week! Tonight we also start the new trimester in CIET...I have been on vacation for the last couple of weeks, but now it's time to get started with a new group of students. I believe there are a couple interested in English 2 this trimester as I should have two classes on Monday nights. Also, one of my Bolivian friends, Sandra Jaldin, who works with SAM's Ayore ministry (a ministry designed to meet the medical as well as the Spiritual needs of an Indigenous group of people, the Ayore) is having an overnight "camp" or Spiritual retreat for 12 Ayore kids at the home of Bill and Bev Smith (other SAM missionaries) and has asked me to help her with that. I will be helping with the crafts as well as other aspects of the retreat...the themes are: God as creator, God's holiness, God's omnipresence, and God's love. We would appreciate your prayers for this event...I think it starts Friday evening (not sure what time) and goes through most of the day on Saturday (although I will only be able to help until about 2 or 3 as I have a commitment with the children's ministry at my church on that day). Thank you so much for your interest in the ministry here in Santa Cruz and for your continued prayers as well as praises for all that God is currently doing!
Monday, May 11, 2009
May 11, 2009
There are only two weeks of school left for us here at the Learning Center. This is the last full week of classes and then next week we will be busy with final exams, closing programs, and graduation! Due to the fact that my classroom is so small...I won't have a lot to do to pack up my room for the vacation...however, I do hope to sit down with Nikki Elliott (my co-worker in the resource department) and do a bit of planning/organizing the program for next year.

I have mentioned several times that you could be praying for the youth group at my church...our division of classes for guys and girls so that we could talk about a few topics which are more gender specific. After three weeks of being separated for classes...we came together last Saturday for our first "social"! Everyone got all dolled up...we decorated the church ( I even bought some real flowers for the occasion), played games, sang songs, had a short devotional together, shared refreshments, etc. It was LOTS of fun! The best part for me was that many of the girls came...even one of the girls who isn't a member of our church but has been coming with her friend! Another one of the girls also brought her boyfriend whose relationship/devotion to the Lord is questionable. She talked with me about him a week or so ago and we were praying that he would come on Saturday he has tried several times to discourage her from going. Praise the Lord for the work He is doing in this young man's life!

One of the things that has been encouraging for me recently concerning the group of girls from church, is that they have begun to open up and share more openly with me about the things on their hearts and minds. Even some of their parents have begun to talk to me about concerns they have for their girls. What a blessing! Not to mention a couple of the girls have begun to bring their boyfriends (some of whom aren't Christians) around a bit, such as the girl who invited her boyfriend to come on Saturday night and then another brought her boyfriend with her on Sunday morning. I feel that God is really beginning to work in their lives, guiding them and teaching them to put into practice the things that we are studying!
I'm feeling very encouraged by the many ways God is using me both at school and through this ministry with the girls! May God continue to grant me the wisdom to guide them in a way that is pleasing to Him, and to advise them using His Biblical truths. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for me as well as for these young women. Thank you too for praying for the end of our school the students/teachers need the strength to finish well!
Monday, May 4, 2009

All in all the conference went really well! We did the conference with two different groups of girls, one group in the morning and one in the afternoon...about 60 or 70 came for the morning group and 40 or 50 in the afternoon. We got off to a bit of a rocky start in the mom referred to it as the dress rehearsal and that was what it felt like! However, the afternoon went much smoother. Thank you for praying specifically for my talk...I felt prepared and for the most part the words seemed to flow quite nicely. I even had one of the Bolivian women who is in our mission tell me that my Spanish has really improved! That was encouraging for me to hear. In the afternoon I was also asked to basically give an altar call. A couple of the teachers had presented the gospel in their talks, but we hadn't taken time yet for the girls to pray and accept Christ if they wished to do so. Several (I think about 10) indicated that they had never accepted Christ as the Lord of their lives so we took a few minutes to pray with them. The hard part in a conference like this is that we had so many groups from orphanages and churches...that truly doing follow-up with these girls is next to impossible. However, God knows exactly who they are and we can trust that He will meet them there and provide people in their lives to guide and direct them in their walk with Him. Please continue to pray for them. Please pray also for the girls overall...that this conference will have an impact on the way they present themselves as well as their interactions with others.

Fortunately, this week is a bit slower for me! I'm looking forward to getting caught up on some emails and other paperwork that I got behind in last week! We only have about 3 weeks of school left!!! That's incredible!!! Thank you so much for your continued prayers! Blessings to you all!
Monday, April 27, 2009
April 27, 2009
One of the issues that is currently being addressed at school has to do with the interaction between Bolivian and North American staff members. Not that there is blatant racism that happens between those two groups, but basically there just isn't much interaction. So, in an effort to change that...the school has begun promoting several social activities as well as workshops in order to encourage more integration. One such activity was last Friday night, in celebration of Labor Day (which is May 1). There was a special program (hosted by yours truly along with a Bolivian teacher), games, pinatas, food, fellowship, etc. You will notice in the link below that I have several pictures of the event. To add to the coworker and I dressed up for the occasion...I dressed in a costume typical for Santa Cruz...and he was dressed in a black tuxedo with a red bowtie and a blue/silver tophat (with stars). It was lots of fun!
Saturday night was the Jr./Sr. Banquet at school...replaces the high school prom...always a huge event and wasn't any less this year. I wore the dress that I bought for Janet's wedding a couple of years ago...this dress has truly served me well! In the snapfish link below you will also see pictures from this special event!
Due to the fact that I was going to the banquet on Saturday night, we moved our "girls' meeting" with the girls in the youth group at church to Sunday lunch! After the morning service, all of us piled into my truck and went to my house...for lunch and the lesson. While I was teaching the lesson on how God has made each of us different and what kinds of things in our lives affect our uniqueness...a couple of the older girls helped me out in the kitchen making noodles and heating spaghetti sauce. After the lesson, we enjoyed a time of fellowship while eating lunch together. This week there were 8 of us total...however, only 4 of us have been there for both that shows you that we had quite a different group. I have a feeling that is how each week may be...a slightly different mix of the group. Basically all of the girls have now come to one meeting, so we'll see how this Saturday goes! One of the things that has been most exciting for me is that God is allowing me to become more involved in the lives of several of the girls in my church. With these sessions, it is mostly the younger girls...teenagers/early college students. However, there are also a few single women who are in their upper 20's and have begun to help me as well. Now, God is opening doors for me to meet regularly with them and for us to begin strengthening our friendship as well! It has been such a blessing for me!
Speaking of Saturday...SAM's children's ministry team has been trying for quite some time to offer a modesty conference for girls, ages 12-18. Every time, for some reason or another, it has had to be postponed. Once again we have it planned for this Saturday...and it appears like it will actually be happening! This is something that is desperately needed, particularly in this culture where advertisements everywhere teach otherwise! We have been inviting girls from orphanages, schools, the Learning Center (where I teach), churches with whom SAM works as well as other churches, etc. The conference will be offered once in the morning (8-12) and repeated to a different group of girls in the afternoon (2-6) on Saturday...with a lunch break for the workers in between. I have been asked to teach the first lesson entitled "Como esta tu corazon?" (How is your heart?)...talking about the importance of modesty and how our outward appearance reflects what is in our heart. Please pray for this conference, the many people involved in teaching and coordinating the event (some of them are coming to training sessions that we are offering for them this week on Monday and Tuesday evenings), and the girls who will be attending.
Well...I think that about wraps up this week! As you can is proving to be quite a busy one! Thank you so much for your continued prayers for the school/staff relationships, the girls/women at church, and the modesty conference! God is definitely working in Santa Cruz and it's exciting to see! Here is the link, as promised, for the pictures I mentioned earlier! There are also a few pictures of the games we played at a baby shower we had last week for one of SAM's Bolivian workers(I think you'll know which pictures those are)! Enjoy!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Birthday Celebrations!!!

Greetings once again from Santa Cruz! I don't have a lot of time to write this morning as we are doing achievement testing at school and I am responsible for providing modifications for students. That part isn't so hard, but my room is also being used by the other resource teacher who has a larger group of kids so that means that I don't get as much computer time while I'm here! However, I just wanted to touch base on a couple of things. First of all, thank you to all of you who sent birthday wishes and greetings! For those of you who didn't know, Saturday was my 33rd birthday! A couple of people commented that I was now ready for my ministry to begin...following in Christ's footsteps! Lidia, my friend, started my day off right by bringing me breakfast at the was a wonderful surprise!!! After that, there is a girl from school, Veronica Apodaca (pictured above) whose birthday was also on Saturday so her parents invited me to her party. That was a lot of fun as well...although I don't know that I've ever been to a birthday party for someone else on my special day! Then, I went to visit my friend Avelina, who had prepared a special lunch for me (which I ate at about 4:00)...after that there was a women's Bible study at church (and more eating since they brought food for my birthday)...then in the evening we had our first divided youth group meeting. I have been asking you to pray for that time, for awhile. We started this past weekend so that I could begin with a party for me...I decorated my house, made a cake, and had pizza for them to eat!
They tried to get me to bite the is the custom here...which then means that someone will push the cake in your face so that you end up wearing about half of it! Fortunately, I was quick about it and they were kind to it was only a small bite out of the cake!
Praise the Lord, things went SUPER well! We had a great group of girls...two people even brough friends so we had a couple of newcomers! I am so thankful for this group! Please continue to pray that they will desire to come and grow in their relationship with the Lord. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure that one of the girls who came is not a Christian so this is a great opportunity of witness as well! Due to the fact that I have a school event on Saturday night, we decided that our next meeting will be Sunday for lunch! In addition, there also appear now to be more older girls than there were before (upper 20s...and me) so we have begun talking about doing more things together. I think that could really be a great time of support and growth as well! This new ministry is exciting for me!
The celebrations, however, didn't stop on Saturday night...on Sunday afternoon, a couple of friends from SAM invited me out for cake and ice cream. We went to a local cafe, which has the most delicious chocolate mousse ever...and there awaiting us were ALL of the SAM ladies, with gifts in hand! It was a very special time and caught me quite by surprise! I didn't even have my camera with I'm still waiting for someone to send me the pictures before I can pass them along to you.
Thank you so much for your support of this ministry! Well...I need to give up my room for testing now! Blessings to you all!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
April 14, 2009
Elementary Spiritual Emphasis Week...
Thank you to all of you who were praying for this time! I ended the three days absolutely exhausted...however, Praise the Lord for the many ways that He spoke through me! The children were attentive and appeared to really be taking to heart the things that they were learning, which was encouraging to me! There were also 5 children who made decisions to accept the Lord as their Savior during this time! I praise Him for allowing me to be a part of this special point in their lives! Please continue to pray that their walk with Him will grow stronger each day!
Easter Vacation...
On Friday afternoon, I left with two other SAM singles...Katie Wells and Dana Wilson, to go to a resort only about a half an hour outside of the city. The name of the resort is Las Lagunas...due to the lake that runs along the backside of the property. There was also a pool and plenty of areas to sit and relax! Part of the time we spent individually enjoying a refreshing time for a Spiritual Retreat, other times we hung out together (watching movies, lounging by the pool, or just talking), and on Sunday morning...we woke up at the crack of dawn to have our own little Sunrise Service! We returned to the city on Sunday afternoon...about 4:00. All in all, it was a wonderfully refreshing with Spiritual renewal as well. I can only speak for myself, but there were several things that God spoke to me about in my time alone with Him! Praise the Lord for this time away from the hectic city life!
As promised...I have a link for a few pictures from these two events. If you would like to look at them, just cut and paste this link into your browser...or you may be able to click on the link and have it take you directly to the photo album ( Thank you so much, once again, for your prayers over the past week! They were definitely felt!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Happy Easter Everyone!!!
This week...well, the 3 day week that we have at our Elementary Spiritual Emphasis Week. As the elementary chaplain, I'm in charge of this event. Basically, what it boils down to throughout these three a chapel service each morning for 1st through 6th grades (from 8:45-9:15). Due to the fact that we are so close to Easter, we are using Christ's relationships with others through the time of His death and resurrection to help us in how we treat one another. Other than the chapel time each morning, I have also made arrangements to go into all elementary classes from PreKinder through 6th grade in order to do a special activity with each of the grade levels...ranging anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes. Of course, I'm still responsible for most of my typical schedule and all of these activities need lesson plans and organization...hence the very busy week! Please pray for these times with the students that this will be a Spiritually enriching time for them...that God would speak to them in a way that they haven't heard Him before. Also, that God would speak clearly through me as I'm working to overcome obstacles such as the wide age range, hyperactive children, English as a Second Language difficulties, etc.
Another exciting thing is that this weekend, two of my friends from SAM (Dana Wilson and Katie Wells) and I will be going to spend the weekend at a resort on the northside of the city. Thank you to a very generous gift, we've decided to go on Friday and return to our homes on Sunday afternoon. While there, other than simply enjoying the pool and each other's company, we also plan to have a Spiritual Retreat. Please pray that this will be a refreshing and renewing time for us...and of course that God would keep us safe while we're away!
Well...I said this would be a short post! Next week I hope to have pictures of both of these events to share with you! May you enjoy this Easter weekend, basking in the presence of the risen Savior!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
March 31, 2009
This past weekend was an encouraging weekend at church! Thank you for your continued prayers on our behalf. Praise God for the work He is doing in and through our little church. On Saturday night, the youth group took a trip to a nearby park in order to pass out tracts and share a time of fellowship by eating ice cream. There turned out to be 10 of us that went! Praise the Lord for that! It was the largest group we've had in a long time...the best part for me was that there were 6 females including myself! I was doing the driving so I needed to go and many times on Saturday I really prayed that I wouldn't be the only female going. It was such an answer to prayer for me! On Sunday too there was a good turnout of people, both in the morning and in the evening. All in all, I was very encouraged by that!
I also have some other news to share with you along with a prayer request. This summer, in July, the woman I am renting the house from will be returning from the states. That will mean that I will be without house or truck. There are many concerns about where I can feel safe living, as a single woman, which has caused some stress at least for me. However, the praise side of it is that it appears that God has provided a roommate!!! I'm super excited about that possibility! A friend of mine, Sandra Jaldin, is a Bolivian doctor who has worked quite extensively with SAM's Ayeore ministry. She just returned from living in the states for about a year where she was part of a program to work on her residency. Unfortunately, due to funding, the program was cancelled, and she had to return to Bolivia. She now plans to do her residency here, although she won't be able to start until next year. In the meantime she will begin working with the Ayeore ministry again as well as in some additional ministries. She is living with her family right now, as is customary for Bolivian singles, but plans to move into a house with me in July. It will be good for her, not only to allow her to keep up the English she learned while in the states, but also to allow her time to study for her residency when needed. I don't think I could have chosen a better friend to live with...fortunately, God worked that one out for me! Please pray for us as we begin looking for a house that will be in a convenient location for both of our ministries as well as in a safe neighborhood for two single women to live.
Thank you so much for your prayer not only in difficult times, but for also joining me in praising the Lord for the blessings He provides!