Well, it appears that I've gotten out of the habit of updating my blog each week...I'll try to do better at remembering! In general Monday mornings continues to be a good time for me to do it...so I'll work at getting back into that routine! This week I don't have anything major to report...just some updates, praises, and prayer requests!
School is well underway once again! We're about halfway through the first quarter! On Friday night we had our first open house for the year. As I don't usually get much traffic in the Resource room during open house hours, I volunteered to serve as a translator in the Kindergarten room as there are a couple of parents of students in that grade who don't speak English and the teacher doesn't know Spanish. I enjoyed that, it was a different role and I felt a bit like I was doing public relations for the school (which this introverted girl does enjoy from time to time). Please continue to pray for our students and staff. You can particularly pray for us in the resource department as we work to figure out the best methods for reaching our students. There are a couple of students whose disabilities are causing them to be quite a bit below gradelevel. One of my goals for this year is to get an Individualized Education Plan in place for them that will be a help to teachers and families alike. Please pray for wisdom and strength in this endeavor...as this isn't an aspect of Special Education that I have enjoyed in the past...although it does appear to be a necessary one at this time!
God has been reminding me quite a bit over the past week that He is in charge and that this, all of this, all of what I'm doing here...is not about me, but about Him! Sometimes His reminder has been in small ways...such as when I didn't feel well prepared for a couple of different classes or Bible studies last week and God worked through me anyway, giving me the exact words to say and often the appropriate skills/materials needed. Other times God has just taken my breath away in amazement...for example...there were 10 of us at the girls' meeting on Saturday night at my house (with the girls from the youth group at church) and two regular attenders weren't even there!!! However, that's not the only amazing part of that situation...as three of us were in fact missionaries...the REALLY amazing part is the way the girls have gotten so excited about these meetings that they are even anxious to tell/invite others! Three of the girls who came on Saturday night were first timers! I think we've had about 6 visitors in the last couple of months and at least a couple who attend regularly right now aren't even Christians! I love the excitement and interest that God has placed on the hearts of these young women!!! It's super exciting! May I continue to remember that it's not about me as God continues to use me and my home in discipling and pointing these young ladies to Him!
I guess my only other news for this week is that my roommate Chelsea and I are hoping to move sometime next week. While we have been waiting for a house owned by another missionboard to be available, we have been living in an apartment at the SAM guesthouse. Although there are many perks to living in the guesthouse...I'm anxious to get settled into one house that I can call my own...rather than to have all of my things stored in about 5 different places!!! Praise the Lord for providing this house for us that we can afford...with GREAT landlords, some added furnishings, a location not far from school, friends nearby, etc. However, we covet your prayers for us as well while we prepare to make this transition.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support of this ministry to which God has called me! I feel so blessed to be used by Him in this way and so very thankful this week to be able to see a bit of the fruit from that labor.
(Side note...I almost forgot my very exciting news...I bought my plane tickets in order to go home for Christmas...I arrive at night on December 15 and leave in the morning on January 2...Praise God for the extra time I'll be able to spend at home!!!)
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