Last Saturday was the Ayore camp (overnight) that I mentioned in my last blog up-date. Thank you for your prayers for this event. All in all, things went really well I believe. The kids behaved better than I expected and really seemed to be learning, which was exciting to see! I didn't stay the whole time...I came home on Friday night in order to finish getting the crafts together for Saturday, then on Saturday I only stayed until about noon as I had several other responsibilities at church for the rest of the afternoon and graduation in the evening! It made for an extremely busy weekend for me! However, I'm thankful for several people who pitched in to help me with various friend Isabel stayed up until 1:30 AM with me on Friday night finishing up craft stuff...there were others from my church who helped clean up the church after the children's club on Saturday (which was my responsibility, but as the other person in my group couldn't be there...I was left to handle it on my own). I was extremely thankful for their help! There are a few pictures below of the Ayore camp for you to see. (The first one is a picture of me with two of the Ayore boys after we had finished making flowers out of crepe paper, talking about God as Creator...the second is of an Ayore girl on the left with Emily Mercado whose mother and father are SAM missionaries who run a clinic for the Ayore and minister to their physical as well as Spiritual needs...the final picture is of several of the Ayore kids with some of our helpers, my friend Isabel is standing on the right in a purple shirt.)

This week I'm finishing up a few things in my classroom, getting my grades in, etc. I'm also trying to rest a bit after my busy weekend and to get caught up on a few things around the house which have been abandoned over the last few weeks. I do have a couple of specific prayer requests, partially for me and partially for others. I know several missionaries that have to return to the states right now primarily for financial reasons, not enough support, and others who are currently in the states trying to raise more support. It is often an eye-opener for me to hear other people's stories...knowing that thanks to all of you, I'm able to continue ministering here in Bolivia and am not being asked to return to the states in search of more support. I know I don't express it often enough...but I am TRULY grateful! Please pray for these friends of mine, that God will provide the financial support that they need as many of them have left behind large gaps...not to mention we will be missing several teachers in the next school year if their support doesn't come in. Also, we are still in need of a Kindergarten, third grade, and fourth grade teacher...if you know of anyone who may be interested in serving the Lord in this way for a year or more, please let me know and I will gladly pass along the information/process! Finally, as you know, I have been renting a fellow SAM missionary's home for this year...assuming that God provides the financial support that she is currently lacking, she will be returning to Bolivia in July...which means, I will need a new place to live. I'm specifically praying for a townhouse or an apartment in an area where I can: 1. feel safe living on my own or with one other person, 2. continue to have my girlfriends from church over to spend the night or visit me in my home, and 3. have a place that I can really decorate, make it my own, feel like I'm home! These are the things that I would really like at the moment. I'm praying that God will either provide such a place or change my heart and show me more of what He has in store for me!
Before I forget...this Wednesday is Mother's Day in Bolivia...unlike the states, Mother's Day here is always on May 27th. So...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the mom's reading my blog up-date!!! Hugs to you all!
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