Thank you to those of you who were able to read my blog post from a couple of weeks ago...please continue to pray for those of us serving here. Unfortunately it is easy to get a bit bogged down in the mundane tasks of everyday and to become frustrated with a feeling that others aren't doing their part. Pray that God will strengthen us, rejuvenate us, and help us to keep our eyes focused on Him/the work He has called us to.
This past Saturday night at church, we had our evangelistic service for the month of October. This time, the single women were in charge of organizing I have been leading that group...I felt a lot of pressure to get things organized. I was extremely encouraged to see many different ways in which God provided for the various was was so very clear to me that the program was part of God's plan. We put on a concert, dedicated to youth. Of course it was not a style of music that everyone would enjoy...but we had some people come who had never come before. There were also people there who have not been coming very regularly recently...but were suddenly there to help and pitch in wherever needed. I was amazed by that and very appreciative to all who helped out! One of the guys in the youth presented the gospel in between the two bands that we had playing...and although I was outside seeing the first band off (as they needed to get to a service at their church)...I was told he did an excellent job and that it went very well. Please continue to pray for these times of evangelistic outreach as well as the obvious need to continue discipling new believers/members.
Some of you may know that I am currently taking another seminary class via the internet/cd-rom. I got a bit behind where I had hoped to be at this point, due to moving houses, school starting, new roommates arriving, etc. However, now that things are finally settling down...I'm working to play catchup! One of the things that the professor talked about in a current lesson, really spoke to me...I'll try to recap as best I can, in hopes that it will speak to you as well. The class is a study on Genesis, so far we've focused primarily on creation and are now starting to study the fall a bit more. The professor has been talking rather extensively about the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and well as the serpent, Eve, and Adam's involvement in all of this. One of the points that she has made concerns the importance that SIGHT or SEEING had with regards to the fall. Chapter 3 verse 6 says, "So when the woman SAW that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the EYES..." The point the professor was making was that Eve made a false judgment based on what she SAW, without fully trusting the command that God had given Adam. This is what faith is all about...trusting God and His Word...even when what we SEE just doesn't make any sense at all. The professor went on to mention many more examples in the Bible, but I won't take time to do that now. However, I think that this can be a prayer for ALL of us...that we would fully trust God, based on what He says to us...not through relying on what we SEE around us!

An added tidbit of info, on a personal family note...I received this picture of my nephew about a week ago, making the announcement that his mother (my sister) is carrying a younger brother or sister for him...set to arrive the end of May! Looks like I get to be an aunt again!!! Congratulations to Emily and Christopher!
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support! It is so comforting for me to know that there are prayer warriors lifting me up as well as interceding for others whom I know and love. Thank you so much!
"But since we were torn away from you, brothers, for a short time, in person not in heart, we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face." I Thessalonians 2:17
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