Well, here we are in February...unbelievable! Classes have started up once again. Last weekend I had Theology Survey II. It is taught by the same professor that I had last semester for Theology Survey I, which is a good thing, I really learned a lot from him! It was a good class, he somewhat jokingly started off class on Saturday morning by saying that we were going to spend the whole day talking about Christ! I can't think of a better way to start the day. We talked extensively about Christ's divinity as well as His humanity and the relationship between the two. This conversation transformed into Christ's death on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Of course, since this was a theology class, you may be able to imagine where the discussion went next...Calvinism, Arminianism, and their views on predestination. All in all it was an extremely interesting class. Of course, I was equally excited that we got out early and I was able to make it back to Franklin by shortly after 8:00pm!
I enjoyed watching the superbowl last night! It was only the second one I've seen in 4 years, and the last one that I saw was on cable television in Bolivia (with Spanish announcers, no memorable halftime entertainment, and no cool commercials)! This year definitely made up for it!
I have a great deal of studying that I need to get done today, so I'm going to make this up-date a little shorter than usual. Before I do, I just wanted to ask you to continue praying for my monthly support. The outgoing support is important too, but thankfully I have had a couple of large one-time donations recently, which has helped this area some. Currently, I am more concerned with the need that I have by way of regular monthly donations. Please pray that God would continue to provide people who can commit to faithfully donating each month, even if it is only a small amount (small amounts can add up quickly)! I think I am still close to $1000 short in this area.
Thank you for your love, support, and prayers! I feel so blessed to be able to partner with you in this way!
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