Hello there! I'm afraid I need to make this up-date rather short! I am currently in Abingdon, VA. I had the pleasure of speaking at my home church yesterday for the last Sunday of their mission's conference! I am also staying in town for a few days so that I can visit with friends and "family" from when I was young! It is always good to be back!
However, due to this, I don't have much time and I'm also using a computer in the public library that has a broken space bar so I have to bang it pretty hard to get it to work (but all of the other computers are occupied so switching isn't an option)!!! Given that, I think I'll just let you all know that I am doing well and that God is blessing me greatly through many wonderful visits as well as opportunities to get some studying done!
Thank you so much for continuing to pray! I'll write a longer up-date next week and will hopefully have pictures to attach then! Blessings!
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