I had a wonderful time with my friend Dana in Arkansas, although it was a quick trip we were able to pack in a great deal of visiting! I also had the joy of meeting her parents and students as well as seeing many of the places that I have heard her talk about so much. Returning home last Thursday was a bit of an adventure, but God provided many blessings along the way so it was an enjoyable adventure. To give you a short recap, I got to the airport early and checked in. While sitting by the gate, I realized that my flight was going to be delayed. This was a problem, because I only had a few minutes in order to change planes in Houston. A delayed flight on the first leg meant I was sure to miss the second flight. I have flown enough to share in a few of the horror stories of airlines and flight attendants, yet this was not one of those experiences. The airline not only changed my flights, still with one layover (not too long, but long enough to eat lunch this time), worked it out so that I was arriving at basically the same time (only about 5 minutes later), and (this is the real incredible part) found my luggage and changed the tags so that it arrived with me in Norfolk! All of this, while actually being friendly without treating me like I had just ruined their day! Praise the Lord! I was so thankful for the pleasant experience!
On Friday, mom and I made a quick trip down to North Carolina. She babysat my nephew on Saturday and I went to a seminar at Gordon-Conwell. We got back late on Saturday night so that we could go to church on Sunday. I was thankful to get to worship at Westminster once again. I also was able to have lunch and hang out with some of my friends from church, which I really appreciated!
This week is back to old clothes and porridge! It sure is hard to get back into a study routine, but I don't have much of an option there, my classes start again this weekend! This semester I will be taking three classes again (Theology Survey II, Contemprary Missiology, and Church History Since the Reformation). I think I forgot to mention that I found out that I got an A in one of my other classes from last semester! I now know that I received an A and an A- in two of the three classes from last semester. I still haven't heard about the third class, but I am thankful for how well things have turned out so far! Praise the Lord for the strength and endurance to finish well last semester! Please continue to pray for my classes this semester, that God will continue to give me the necessary strength to complete each assignment on time.
Thank you so much for all who have asked about and continue to pray for my grandfather. He is doing quite well, praise the Lord! Today, we found out that he is now able to begin putting partial weight on his leg, about half of his weight. This is a change, since he has not been able to put weight on it up to this point. Please continue to pray for him. As you can imagine this is particularly hard for him to have lost so much of his independence. He has tried a few times to do things on his own (without permission, unfortunately) and has fallen a couple of times. Thankfully this has not hindered his progress, but we are not encouraging it either. It is a difficult lesson for him to learn!
I have one last bit of news that I wanted to share about how God continues to provide for my needs. I shared a couple of weeks ago that I am still lacking about $1000 monthly and $6000 outgoing support. Although not much has changed in this area, I wanted to share a quick story with you. When I was visiting with my friends from my Sunday school class, I was sharing with my teacher about my need for further financial support. From across the room, one of the girls in my class said that she was interested in sending me some money, could I get her an address? Obviously I didn't say no to that and told her I would email her the address. She and I then began talking and decided to meet for lunch yesterday, because she wanted to practice her Spanish. We met for lunch and had a very nice time. Although she is a new friend and this was really only the first or second time that we have sat and talked, she immediately handed me a wad of folded bills upon arriving at the restaurant. It wasn't necessarily a lot in the world's standards, but it was a huge deal to me. Honestly, it almost made me cry...this was coming from a single mother of two who is living at home with her own mother while she works and takes classes part-time! I know she doesn't have a lot, yet God has given her a heart for missions and this is the way that she feels she can play a part! I am so thankful for her and the demonstration of love and a giving heart that she has shown me! It really is incredible to get to be a part of stories like this!
Well, I guess that's all I have to share with you this week! Thank you so much for your continued prayers! Until next week...
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