I have one quick story I wanted to share from this week...
I went to see my friend Avelina on Thursday night so that we could have a Bible study together, she lives in the house next door to the church. Her family lives upstairs and another family from the church lives downstairs. Anyway, when I arrived at the house, the woman who lives downstairs was outside talking to a woman whom I had never met before. It didn't take long for me to learn that the stranger wished to speak to the pastor of our church. She had come by the day before wishing to get some advice from someone and was told the pastor would be at the church in time for the prayer meeting that we have on Thursday nights. She came about an hour early, hoping to talk to him before the service, but he was not there. They asked me if I would call him so I did. Given that our pastor is a single male, it is understandably difficult for him at times to give advice in situations such as these. As it turned out, he was not available to come early before the service and was a little hesitant to do so. He then asked me if I would be willing to talk with her to see if I could help.
I excused myself from my meeting with Avelina and went over to the church with the "stranger" who I quickly found out is named MariCruz. She and I sat behind the church in one of the classrooms so that the person leading the nightly prayer meeting could arrange the seats for the meeting. MariCruz began telling me about a friend of hers who was going through a difficult time and she wanted to know how to help her. As it turned out...the "friend" of whom she spoke was herself. With respect to the confidentiality that I promised her, I won't go into great detail about the struggles that she was experiencing. However, she did say that she is 2 months pregnant and suicide was one of the many problems with which she was struggling (not due to an unwanted pregnancy, I feel I should make that clear)...therein lies the parts that are better left unsaid. Anyway, with no family in the city...she was looking for a place to turn...I do believe it was God that led her to the church door. She was feeling lost, a sinner, a nobody, etc...particularly through her suicidal thoughts mixed with her Catholic upbringing...suicide an unpardonable sin!
Without going into a lot of detail, God used that situation to give me an opportunity to share the gospel with her. To talk about His love for her and the worth she had in his eyes. Although I could not help her much with the situation leading up to her desire to take her own life and the life of her baby...I was able to share Christ with her. She prayed to receive Christ into her life and to become one of God's children. My prayer for her is that it truly was a heartfelt decision. I don't expect that I will see her again...she doesn't live in the area of the church and was making plans to leave town...however, I continue to pray that God will guide her footsteps, carry her when she struggles, and provide for her needs. Oh, that she might truly see the depth of the relationship that He desires with her. Please join me in praising God for her life and that He has called her unto Himself. Also praise Him for giving me the blessing of getting to share this exciting news with her, to love her even with the baggage of her past that she carries with her. Also join me in praying for her continued walk with him, as well as her protection and guidance.
May we not forget, especially during the Christmas season, the saving grace that was sent to live and die for us all. Blessings to each of you this holiday season!