Greetings once again...although I am a couple of weeks late. Thank you for continuing to pray for me, even when things get a little hectic!
I am pleased to report that I now own a return ticket to Bolivia. My departure date will be May 19. I will be leaving from the Norfolk airport at 5:00 in the evening and arriving in Santa Cruz at 7:50 on the morning of May 20. I am currently working on writing and mailing my final prayer letter from the U.S. We are also in the process of taking care of things such as my visa and immunizations. I am still about $350 short of being fully supported. I would appreciate your continued prayers for the Lord to meet this need.
This past weekend I celebrated my 32nd birthday. Even though I had to go to Charlotte for class, my friends and family worked to make it an extra special occasion. It all started Thursday night over dinner with Emily, Christopher, and Wesley. I then spent the night with them and in the morning Emily had balloons and a special breakfast prepared. I also had lunch with her and Wesley and then went on down to Charlotte. When I arrived in class a couple of my friends had balloons and flowers waiting on my desk. Then at night, Linda and Bruce Dial ordered pizza and we watched a movie together. Finally, on Sunday afternoon, my mom and dad invited my friends from church over to the house so that we could celebrate together. All in all, it was a very special occasion.
I have now finished my trips to Charlotte. My classes are over with the exception of a few unfinished assignments. All I have left is a research paper, a take-home final exam, and some reading. It sounds like a lot, but compared to how far I've seems like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. The challenge will be that I would like to finish all of these things within the next couple of weeks so that during the last two weeks I can focus on packing and preparing to leave. That is typically doable, but I also have some travelling to do over the next couple of weeks, so that is where the challenge comes in.
Well, I guess that's it for now. Thank you so much for your faithful support through financial giving, prayers, letters, phone calls, etc. It means so much to have family and friends such as you.
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