Today, I finished working with other SAM missionaries in hosting a Vacation Bible School for the English speaking community. I was in charge of teaching 1st - 2nd grades, however, due to the lack of available teachers in order to offer a class for the Pre K and Kinder grades...I also had a few students from those grade-levels who really wanted to participate. By the end of the week I had about 20 students. In short we talked about the truths God has given us. The first day was spent talking about the truth of God's Word. We discussed basic facts about the Bible as well as how we can know it is true. The next two days we talked about the truth of God's Son, Jesus. We not only talked about who Jesus is and why we can believe in Him, but we also talked about what He did for us and provided an opportunity for all to accept Him into their lives. The fourth day was then used to talk about the Spirit of Truth. The fifth and final day was used to talk about the importance of sharing these truths with others. After that we had a closing ceremony as well as games and snacks for the families. It was a lot of fun and a real blessing, however, it has left me pretty tired.
Over the next week I need to finish getting my classroom painted and setup so that I'll be ready for the start of the new school year. There are meetings for the teachers on Aug. 7 and 8, then the first day of classes is Aug. 11. I will be teaching only part-time at the school...half days every day. Please pray for teachers and students alike as we work to get back into the swing of things!
I just got word that my friend Avelina has her day off tomorrow. I have been feeling God prompting me toward beginning a Bible study with her. Her days off are pretty sporadic so she isn't able to make it to church very often. I think it could be a great encouragement to her and a wonderful experience for both of us. I plan to go see her tomorrow so that I can talk about it with her. I have a Bible Study book entitled "Vive lo que Crees" (Live What you Believe) that I would like for us to do together. Please pray for our initial meeting tomorrow as well as diligence to follow through with subsequent meetings.
Thank you as always for your prayers...even when I get distracted and fail to keep you up-dated! Your prayers and encouragement mean so much to me!
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