Monday, March 9, 2009

March 9, 2009

Greetings once again from sunny Santa Cruz! On Saturday, we had a city-wide cleanup day was used like a paro or a strike in that no one was supposed to leave their homes unless they could walk to wherever they were going. There was no public or private transportation allowed on the roads. The purpose of the cleanup day was to get rid of unwanted trash and standing water that may be harboring's all part of the fight against the spread of dengue (the mosquito spread disease that's currently running rampant). Ironically, I started showing signs of having dengue myself on Friday night...fortunately, it appears to have been only a mild case and I am well on the mend! I spent most of Saturday and Sunday in bed or watching movies...with a fever, achiness, headache, etc. Tylenol helped with the fever and pain so I was thankful for that! I say it was only a mild case, because I never developed any of the additional signs such as upset stomach which leads to dehydration. I came to school for a couple of hours today, but I made arrangements for someone else to teach my CIET class tonight so that I could rest this afternoon/evening. One of the dangers, so I've been told, is that people start to feel better and jump back into their activities too quickly causing a relapse much worse than the initial attack! I don't want that to happen in my case, so I'm trying to be diligent about resting as much as I can!

Since I didn't go to church yesterday, I don't have much to report about that situation...please continue to pray for that congregation!

Yesterday, Kate Bove, a college student from the states came to stay with me for a couple of days so that she could see the school. She is an education major and would like to look into teaching abroad for a year or so when she graduates in May. She is here in Bolivia with a work team working outside of the city...a friend of mine who is working with the team called to see if she could come to the school for a bit with me. It is nice having her here and lots of fun to get to show her around a bit!

I guess that's all the news for this week! Thank you so much for your fervent prayers!

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