Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Counting Blessings!

I decided that I wanted to do something a little different in this particular up-date. God has provided so many blessings for me over the past couple of weeks that in this up-date I just wanted to focus on that! Join me in praising the Lord for His goodness and provision...even in the little things!

Within the last couple of weeks, God has provided...
1. about $100 of new monthly support.
2. several hundred dollars of one-time gifts.
3. safety in travelling across the state of Virginia and then back through the state of North Carolina to get home.
4. opportunities for me to study while I was travelling so that I could at least finish the work that was due for last weekend's class.
5. SNOW, while I was in Abingdon...it was the first real snowfall that I've seen in almost 3 years!
6. beautiful weather at other times...today it is about 77 degrees here!
7. opportunities for me to visit many friends and relatives, including some that I haven't seen in quite some time.
8. the chance to not only share about Bolivia with many of these people, but also to be able to reconnect and hear about what's happening in their lives.
9. all of the materials that I needed for my speaking engagement in Abingdon, just in time for that presentation.
10. many lessons for me through a book I was reading for one of my classes, The Cross of Christ by John Stott; it definitely impacted my life in a powerful way.

Well, I'm sure I could keep coming up with many blessings that God has provided for me, but for some reason 10 just seems like a good number! Thank you so much for continuing to pray for me...in the good times and the struggles! I'm including a couple of photos below that I took over the last couple of weeks for your enjoyment!

My Uncle Ed and Aunt Gay in Bedford, VA

The VA Creeper Trail, in Abingdon, VA

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