On Friday afternoon a 10 yr old boy was sent to my office...it was a student who spends about as much time in my office as I do! We began to talk...once again about his behavior...and I began to wonder once again if I were ever going to get through to him...this time he began to cry. His parents have been separated for awhile now, but the night before he had heard his mom talking about filing the divorce papers. On top of that, she told him that his aunt and uncle were getting a divorce as well. It's all around him. This particular student is walking on thin ice so to speak as there are those who feel it's necessary to kick him out of the school (they call it "not inviting him back"). There are several students they would like to see removed. I'm praying it doesn't get to that. If he isn't at our school to learn about God's love and experience it first-hand from teachers and administrators...where will he see it? Yet, he needs so much more than his teacher and I can give him. Please pray for him and other students like him at the Learning Center! The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few!!!
Yesterday, I attended a birthday party for a boy in my mission who turned 1 and then another party for 2 boys in my Sunday School class at church! I had so much fun celebrating their special day with them!!! Although it's hard to miss out on my own nephew's birthdays...I do enjoy being Aunt Laura for so many different children here on the field! Praise God that I could fill in as that role for them!!! This morning I met a friend at church early in order to go pass out tracts to the neighbors. We were also selling tickets for a lunch that we had at church today...a fundraising tool to help in rebuilding the Sunday school classrooms at the church...something that is desperately needed! Please pray not only for the building fund (and projects that will continue to take place over the course of this year or so), but also for those who received tracts this morning, that God will touch their lives with the message of His gospel! In one week I will turn 35 years old...it seems hard for me to believe! Some of my friends are already planning special ways to help me celebrate...I'm looking forward to it! I do love having a birthday...although stepping up a year with each birthday feels a little frightening sometimes! God has blessed me both last year and this year with people I know coming down to the field just before the 18th of April who have brought birthday presents from my family...the other years the gifts arrived whenever they could (sometimes a month or two late)...but once again this year, they'll be here BEFORE my birthday!!! How fun is that!!! Praise the Lord for the little things! This is a short blog up-date for this week, but if you didn't get a chance to check out the last post with pictures of my trips in February and early March, feel free to do so (scroll down to where it says Blog Archive and click on March for the last blog post to pop up)! Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support!
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