Well...yesterday was a rather uneventful voting day...peaceful as far as I could tell, which is a blessing. No campaigning is allowed for the last couple of days before a voting day so other than remnants floating around (graffiti on the walls of buildings, fliers, etc.), there wasn't much new. Most of the votes had been cast by about 6:00 in the evening, so the news channels began to post results. I made the rounds in the afternoon and evening, visiting people I knew who lived within walking distance...it made the day pass by a little quicker. During my last visit before going home, I stopped to have dinner with some other singles from SAM. We turned on the television to see what we could find out. Basically...the country as a whole voted in favor of the constitution. As we all expected...Santa Cruz, Beni, Pando, and others voted opposing the referendum....however, La Paz, Potosi, Cochabamba, and others voted in favor. So, where do we go from here? We continue to sit, wait, and PRAY! Only God truly knows what will happen from here on out. Praise the Lord that His plan is perfect! The idea therefore, is for us to continue to go about our ministries as God has called us to do...keeping in mind that the ultimate goal is that those ministries would continue, even if we were pulled out of the country...so as SAM's motto states...Build Leaders to Build Churches!
On a lighter note...this week is Vacation Bible School at my church! It starts today and will go until Saturday...every day from 4-5:30. It is quite possible that we will start off with 30-40 kids and then by the end of the week have close to 80 or so. We'd appreciate your prayers as we work to share the gospel/God's love with these children! The theme of the week is "Jesus, el regalo de Dios para ti...Jesus, God's gift to you!" We're also praying that the weather will stay nice all week. It is rainy season, so it is common for us to get a burst of a shower or even a couple of days of rain. However, if that happens many of the children will not be able to come, their parents won't want them out in the muddy streets. So, please join us in praying this week!
Well, I guess that's it for now. I'm attaching a couple of pictures below for your viewing pleasure! They're both pictures from school...one is a picture of me teaching the weekly elementary chapel...the other is a goofy picture of a few of my students. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:
We are praying for the country as well as your individual ministry... good to see that kids can be kids everywhere! LOVE YOU, MOM
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