Sunday night I arrived back in Virginia after spending the week with the HAuse family in Florida. Fortunately, my parents were willing to come and pick me up at the airport, even though I didn't get in until the middle of the night!
Part of last week was spent with Jeff's family in Clearwater, FL...near Tampa. They were kind enough to put me up for a few days so I was able to actually stay with Jeff, Beth, and the kids. We did lots of shopping, and of course went to the beach!
One day we also went to a Christmas shop, which was lots of fun! That's where the picture below, of Beth and I, was taken! We also took a few other pictures, making it look like we had skipped ahead a few months!
On Thursday, we all loaded into a rented minivan (the only one you can't see here, other than myself, is Pablito) with our luggage. Keep in mind that each person is allowed two check bags and two carry-ons when flying. When returning to Bolivia (and I imagine other countries as well), you make a point to stock up on many things and use every inch of the allotted amount! I also had my luggage so there were 6 of us total with lots of bags as you can imagine! I think we used every corner of the minivan! We then went to Lake Worth, FL, stopping to have lunch with fellow missionary friends and then having dinner with other friends upon arrival in Lake Worth.
We were able to stay at the old home office, which has some housing available. That was convenient and much more cost effective than staying in a hotel! After more shopping, more packing, and again loading into the minivan, we drove to Miami Sunday morning at which point we said our good-byes. The HAuses flew out at about 3:00 in the afternoon and I then flew out at about 7:00 pm. All in all, it was a wonderful time. I enjoyed getting to see them all again and was able to send a few gifts with them for my friends back in Bolivia! Praise God for the enjoyable and safe week!
This week, since I am up-dating my blog a little late, I will go ahead and share that my grandfather celebrated his 102nd birthday yesterday, September 4th. My mom prepared a brunch in his honor and invited the ladies from his aerobics class. It was a lot of fun! I especially enjoyed it since I had missed the past couple of milestones! He continues to do well...playing the drums, going to aerobics, working on the computer, driving, etc. He talks about his memory going, but that just makes us all laugh!! His idea of his memory going is that he can't remember someones name, yet he doesn't have any problem telling you about a restaurant or place he went to 50 years or so ago! Incredible!
Well, I guess that's it for this week. I drive down to Charlotte on Friday to attend classes and then I have a conference to go to with the mission until Thursday, Sept. 13th. I'm not sure if I will have internet access next week or not, so it may be a week and a half before I up-date my blog again! Thanks as always for your continued prayers!
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