Greetings from Santa Cruz Bolivia! May the God of creation be ever drawing you unto Himself! As you may have guessed from the title, my biggest news this week has to do with the arrival of my nephew. Wesley Andrew Marks was born on March 15 at 8:01 pm, 19 1/2 inches and weighing 7 lbs 2 oz. Mother and baby are both healthy. I was able to speak with my mother briefly last night who was at the hospital with them. My dad is supposed to drive down to North Carolina today to join them after a meeting that he has this morning. Praise God for this new little life he has brought into our family!
In reality that's about all the news I have for this week. As promised I'm attaching a couple of pictures this time for your enjoyment. The top picture, of course, is of Wesley. The other pictures are of my Kindergarten class. You need to notice that they're wearing my shirts for the activity we did that day! I thought they looked so cute!

In reality that's about all the news I have for this week. As promised I'm attaching a couple of pictures this time for your enjoyment. The top picture, of course, is of Wesley. The other pictures are of my Kindergarten class. You need to notice that they're wearing my shirts for the activity we did that day! I thought they looked so cute!

We are enjoying Beth HAuse's arrival this past Tuesday. It is wonderful to have her back with us. I also mentioned in a previous post that my friend, Avelina, needs to have surgery. God has provided all of the necessary funds, thank you for your prayers, and the surgery has been scheduled for this morning. Today, I am at school for a workshop which is about to start so I need to get going! Thank you once again for all of your love and support! I look forward to being with you all again soon!
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