After spending 3 weeks in the States with my family for the holidays, I returned to Bolivia on January 8th. My time at home was wonderful, as usual! It was extremely relaxing and I especially enjoyed LOTS of quality time with my nephews and my parents (of course my sisters as well...wouldn't want them to feel left out...but now that they're having babies, that's who I REALLY go to see!) : ) I was also able to visit with a few friends and get caught up on the things God is doing in their lives.
I hit the ground running as soon as I got back to Santa Cruz as I arrived on Saturday and two days later started back to school. It has taken me the better part of the last couple of weeks to begin to feel like I'm getting caught up in several areas, although I still have a ways to go!
There are a few things coming up in the month of February for which I would appreciate your prayers! The first full week of February will be our annual SAM conference. There will be several visitors coming down from the States as well as SAM missionaries from other fields in South America. Please pray for the mission and each of the missionaries as we prepare for this conference. We have begun praying and meditating on God's word, seeking wisdom and direction as we explore possibilities for the future of South America Mission. It will be a more intense conference than we have had in the past! Immediately after conference, I will be traveling to Cordoba, Argentina to help in directing the English Village (EV). Some of you may remember when I participated in the EV last year. It is basically a language acquisition course for those from South America who are training to be missionaries in other parts of the world. I love being a part of this course and am excited to see how God will use this year's group of students as well as tutors! Obviously, because I will be participating in these events, I will not be able to be at school for about three weeks in a row! Fortunately, the woman who has been the elementary principal in the past is willing to fill in for me, but it's still a long time for me to be gone. Please pray for the teachers and students as they adjust to my absence.
I guess this about does it for now! Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support! They mean so much to me!