Two weeks ago my roommates and I had the pleasure of baby-sitting Noah Weigner (shown in the picture below with his mom). Noah's parents were celebrating their anniversary and asked us if we would take care of him for the weekend. All in all, he handled it quite well...and so did we! There was a minor bump in the road on Saturday afternoon when he was having a few gas issues...but other than that things went very smoothly!

Also that week, I had the pleasure of participating, along with the other SAM ladies, in a baby shower for a Bolivian woman from Cochabamba. Some other missionaries that we know who live there, knew the family and discovered that their son who is 2 years old was struggling with some health issues. Since the doctor's couldn't help him there in Cochabamba, due to finances, the missionary family called Drs. Toni and Placido Mercado, who work with SAM, asking them if they could do anything to help. The boy and his mother then came to Santa Cruz, began living with the Mercados, and Placido took care of the necessary surgery. As there were some unexpected complications, the mother found herself still in the city when it came time for the birth of her second child. So, given that she didn't have any resources with her, Toni and her family organized a baby shower and invited all of us to attend! The woman was so moved that she cried! The mother and both of her children seem to be doing quite well; however, you can continue to pray for their salvation and the ministry that the Mercados have to this family!

Then, of course, on September 22...a couple of days before the actual anniversary of Santa Cruz, the school celebrated with lots of typical games, stories, food, and music. It was LOTS of fun!!! Below, you can check out a couple of pictures of that special day!

On September 23, Lisa and Danielle Birzer arrived from my home church in Abingdon, VA. Dalmiro (one of my pastors who spent a year as an intern at my church in Abingdon) and I, quickly went to work showing them the sights and enjoying in the many festivities around the city. More pictures to come soon of Lisa and Danielle's visit! Last Wednesday, they went to spend a week in Portachuelo, when they return this coming Wednesday to Santa Cruz...they will be here with us until October 15.
Also, this past weekend we celebrated my roommate Ally's first birthday in Bolivia! Danielle and I threw a party for her here at the house...and although she knew we were planning something...she didn't know it was a fun surprise! I think she had a special weekend!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support! It's been a busy few weeks and I imagine that it will stay that way until Lisa and Danielle return to the states. Please pray specifically for strength and patience during this time! Thank you once again!