First of all, I got word yesterday that the Register of Deeds in Rockingham County, NC, has agreed to accept one of the copies of the Power of Attorney that I got notarized when I flew to Cochabamba, Bolivia just before coming to Argentina. That means that the process can move forward as my sister, Emily, or her husband can sign the paperwork in order to sell my condominium!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!! That is a huge blessing for me and a definite release of a weight on my shoulders!
As for things happening here in Argentina...
I'm having a wonderful time!!! I am really enjoying the things that I'm learning and experiencing while here! I have met a lot of great people who have been such an encouragement to will be sad to leave them at the end of the week! To give you a few more details on what I'm doing here in Cordoba...let me explain the workshop. The workshop is held at a mission's training institute (training Latins to be missionaries in other parts of the world) and is actually an intensive course, called the English Village. This course teaches students valuable methods to be used in learning a new language. In order to allow these students to put these methods into practice...English is used, as it's a foreign language for all of the students...and it will be useful to them in many places where God may send them to serve as missionaries. The idea of the program is that the students take these techniques with them and plan their course of study in learning a new using a tutor who is a native speaker for the language they wish to learn...hence my role here. I started out co-tutoring a group of 3 guys. My co-tutor is a German missionary serving here in Cordoba, studying part-time at the institute. Then we had another tutor join us this week who is also working with our group...which allows us to do more individualized one on one tutoring! It's been amazing to see how quickly the students are grasping the English language using these techniques...students who couldn't speak to me at all a week ago, are now telling me (in broken English) about their weekend. They have made such great progress in only one week's time! It's great!

I can see many ways in which God might be able to use this experience to either duplicate the course in Bolivia...or even to share the methods with friends of mine in Santa Cruz who are still working to learn Spanish! There are many great possibilities! Praise the Lord for such a wonderful experience and continue to pray for us to finish well this week! I'll be heading home next Sunday...most likely, I won't actually arrive in Santa Cruz until Tuesday's a pretty long bus ride! Thank you so much for your continued prayers for the ministry God is doing in South America!