Well...since I didn't get a chance to update my blog last week and this Monday is looking pretty busy...I decided to go ahead and write a quick update today!
The most important thing I want to mention briefly, is that the country of Bolivia will be having their presidential elections tomorrow. The elections here are typically held on a Sunday and in order to keep the peace, there are several laws in place prohibiting meetings (including church services) and campaigning throughout the weekend...and on Sunday, we aren't allowed to be out driving around. People vote close to their home, so they walk there to take care of that...but other than that most people will be staying close to home. I'm looking forward to having some time to work on my seminary class...I plan to spend the better part of the day writing the rough draft of my exegesis paper. It will also be a good opportunity to spend some time in prayer for the country and the elections that are happening...please join us in praying for this need as you think of Bolivia or me throughout the weekend!
My trip to the states is quickly approaching and I frequently find myself dreaming about the things of which I am MOST excited...spending time with my nephew Wesley, seeing my sister's pregnant belly (since I missed it the first time), spending time with my family in general (especially my parents while I'm at the beach with just the two of them), eating at the Cheesecake Factory with friends from church, eating out at all my favorite places in general, shopping with my mom, seeing my dog, etc. I'm sure the list could go on...but these are a few things that are frequently on my mind! My flight is set for December 15 in the morning. I'll be flying to Miami first, then after a few hours layover there, I'll fly on to Raleigh-Durham, NC...getting in at about 11:00 at night. Emily and/or Christopher will be picking me up from the airport. I will then spend a few days with them until my dad comes down to pick me up (most likely on Friday). However...before I can go on vacation...there are a lot of preparation for things that I will miss here for which I need to find replacements. Please pray that I'll be diligent in using my time wisely in order to leave things well when I head home.
I don't think that I get the chance to express this often enough...and I'm not very good about getting thank you notes written (maybe that should be one of my New Year's resolutions)...however, I do want to say that I am so very thankful for all of your financial and prayer support. I've been hearing a lot recently about how the economic situation is taking it's toll on the mission as a whole as well as several friends of mine who are currently raising support. Yet, I feel so blessed to be able to say that thanks to all of you, my support is right where it should be. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your faithfulness in this area. I appreciate it more than you could ever imagine and praise the Lord for each one of you!