Greetings from sunny...and VERY windy...Santa Cruz! I apologize that I haven't had a chance to up-date my blog in several's amazing how busy the beginning of the school year is. As promised, I finally got around to getting some of the pictures of the Beni trip into a shutterfly album online, a link is posted below so that you can check those out when you have some time. There are also a few pictures at the end of the album of various activities during the month of August.
For the last week and a half the school was required to cancel classes due to the spreading of the Swine Flu in the city. There have not been any reported cases at the Learning Center or in the missionary community that I am aware of...however, it was a city wide decision to cancel classes in all schools due to the spreading of this disease. Please pray that the warmer and more humid weather we're experiencing now will decrease the transmission of these germs so that the school year will not be affected anymore!
While there were no classes, we did have several teacher meetings and decide to go ahead and hold our teacher retreat a week earlier than originally planned. We left on Friday morning and went to Los Cedros (a resort about a half an hour away) and then returned Saturday afternoon. All in all it was a wonderfully relaxing time of fellowship! There are a couple of pictures posted below of Chelsea and me enjoying ourselves on this retreat!

We thoroughly enjoyed the time we had together on the retreat (mostly relaxing by the pool) and the time spent fellowshipping with other teachers!
While I was on the teacher retreat here in Santa family was enjoying each other's company in Graham, NC as they surprised my sister with a celebration for her 30th birthday, which is actually September 1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!!! It was a fun surprise for her! This is about all I was able to get in on the action...(pictured with me are Leann Vernon, friend of the family...and Rick Nye, my brother-in-law, Janet's husband)...

Although I was sad to not be able to actually be with them for the festivities...I was extremely thankful once again for skype and other such communication helps! I was also encouraged knowing that I hope to be home for Christmas again this year...Lord willing...there are of course still several details to be worked out! So, for those of you in the Franklin, VA area...hope to see you soon! Thank you once again for your faithful prayers and interest in the work God is doing here in Santa Cruz! I appreciate your support and care more than you can imagine! Blessings to each one of you!