Hello there once again!
I pray this letter finds you all doing well. I had high hopes of updating my blog about every couple of weeks, but now it has been about a month...so much for that! Anyway, better late than never! Here's a little update as to my activities over the last 5 weeks.
I pray this letter finds you all doing well. I had high hopes of updating my blog about every couple of weeks, but now it has been about a month...so much for that! Anyway, better late than never! Here's a little update as to my activities over the last 5 weeks.
Trip to Texas:
The trip to Texas went very well...no car trouble, no accidents, no screaming baby (at least not until the last 10 minutes or something, which was quite impressive), etc. The wedding was beautiful, the bride was beautiful, and of course the maid of honor was a knockout...just kidding, the bride was the real beauty by far. For the most part everything went smoothly and everyone had a very nice time.

Spending Some time in Franklin:
I have had some time to hang around the Franklin area. I am slowly getting to know some of the singles at my parent's church and enjoying the activities they have planned. I also have a great time hanging out with my grandfather who lives with my parents. We often have lunch together and at times I go with him to his arobics class. Of course there are plenty of other things to keep me busy as well; walking the dogs in the afternoon, taking naps, emailing, making plans, etc.
Trip to Abingdon, Winston-Salem, Fort Mill, Graham, Wilmington:
This was my most recent trip. I spent a few days in Abingdon, sorry if I missed you when I was there. I wasn't there long, but I'll be back again in August. I also spent some time visiting a friend in Winston-Salem, not to mention my friend Dana whom I met in Bolivia flew to Charlotte and spent the week with me. We basically drove all over North Carolina, spending time with my younger sister and her family as well as seeing the beach. We also spent a couple of days in South America Mission's Home Office in Fort Mill South Carolina. This was a wonderfully renewing time of debriefing and preparing for my return to Bolivia. More details to come on all of that!
Visit from a Good Friend:
For the next week and a half my friend Jen is here to visit with me. We have a few plans to take in some of the local flavor, but are also enjoying a little rest. Fortunately she is willing to let me get a few things done too as I have some speaking engagements to prepare for.
Well, I guess that's about it for now. I will try to write more in a couple of weeks from Rockingham County, North Carolina, which is where I will be at that time (or maybe from my younger sisters as I will be there part of the time as well)! Blessings to you all!